Shadowlands The Maw and Torghast Introduction Questline Changes (Story Spoilers)

You’re right! How could I make such a comparison!?

Baine doesn’t even have a baseball career to fall back on. He’s WORSE than Yamcha!





Do we have the option to leave Baine in the Maw? Pretty please?

If we don’t rescue him then he’s less of a damsel in distress than he usually is. That will make him seem like less of a sad sack.




too late for that

Side note, and maybe I’m just being inattentive, but when did Baine have a mace in the first place? Why would anyone be able to identify it as his? I wasn’t even aware he had a recognizable weapon type. I know he’s got totems on his back but I assumed they were just for decoration and he didn’t actually club with them like you’d expect.

When I googled “wow baine bloodhoof weapon” I ended up with Fearbreaker of all things, which obviously didn’t stick.

That’s cool. Good for Baine.

Wait so Baine, Anduin, Thrall and Jaina all get captured and then at some point they’re just like “Oh wait, Baine was worthless, we don’t need to keep him” then then he gets tossed in the trash until we save him? I don’t follow the PTR stuff much so perhaps I’m missing some extra context, but from what I gathered from that video that doesn’t paint a very flattering picture for a racial leader.

yea… thats exactly what was changed baine looks more heroic now.

Hahaha, poor, irrelevant tauren. At first Baine was just kind of tossed aside.

That entire race, being the Horde’s dwarves, essentially, needs to be given a point to elevate them above races like centaurs and quillboar.


I feel like the developers are definitely aware of the players’ perception of Baine as a coward, weakling, tattle-tale, so the devs are consciously trying to build him up to challenge those notions, except I don’t think the players are buying it.


This is the Baine we’ve always had, though. He’s always been a badass warrior. He just was never given a chance to be a badass warrior because whenever he pops up in the story he is immediately victimized by his own faction.


I mean, even with the change Baine is still not considered enough of a threat to be housed in Torghast. He’s small potatoes compared to everyone else. Why did they even bother capturing him?

We go to Shadowlands to rescue the faction leaders. So, I guess the purpose was to bait the races of Azeroth into going after them. Just like Arthas. Just like Azshara and N’Zoth and Sylvanas. We have no agency. We’re just being used, again, probably.

Be carefull what you whish for.

The second they become relevant is the second thundrbluff suddenly explodes.
Whenever you get attention from Blizzard it ONLY revolves around destruction.
They are unable to build stuff.

Honestly I’d be fine with that. If Thunder Bluff explodes but Tauren became major players and actually had plotlines revolve around them as a people from time to time, I’d take it. It’s not like Thunder Bluff gets used often and it probably should have grown and changed by now since it’s a relatively new city but it’s still kinda frozen in time.

Tauren have had a connection to the dead with spiritwalkers since WC3: TFT and had hints that they’d be involved in Shadowlands, but even that seems to have been kinda set aside. Highmountain had some promising developments, though, giving the tauren another nation and a connection to both Cenarius and, importantly, the Earth Warder. But the Highmountain plot kinda ended with a 5-man dungeon.

I respectfully disagree… him threatening Sylvanas with physical damage while keeping his clearly cowardly personality is irrelevant (as I said before: it just makes him look more brutal, not more strong).

Well, that´s what happens when the entire narrative surrounding Baine AND the Horde portrays him as running to stalk like a high school prepubescent girl Christie Golden´s self inserts at the cost of literally ignoring, betraying and hurting Horde characters and individuals.

If anything that excuse of a plot device has the biggest plot armor ever; he should had been executed by Garrosh in ToW and actually paid a price in the name of his ideals like actual developed characters do (I mean, Ned Stark, nuff said).


Bruh did you maybe not notice that this is high fantasy? Warcraft is a superhero comic, it’s not that kind of story and never was

Like, any character with ideals and the strength to back them up with action should be killed? No, of course not. They shouldn’t have the universe bend to justify them, but we kind of see that already with how much of a punching bag for the universe Baine is. He absolutely did the right thing both times the Warchief went rogue and was, both times, vindicated in the end.

High fantasy is NO excuse for the atrocius writting. LotR is high fantasy too, and the characters paid the price when the narrative demanded it.

Which is actually what happens regarding Baine -and only because he´s the plot device Horde side to give huge amounts of concessions to Golden´s self inserts A.K.A. Jaina and Anduin-.

Sorry but his stance regarding Taurajo is deplorable, his stance regarding Theramore even worse -he still send his Tauren soldiers to die while knowing they were gonna encounter much more military resistance and higher probability of death- and the less we say about Baine “I don´t care over 10000000000 Nelves burned alive but muh poor wittle Derek Tragicmoar!!!” Bloodhoof in BfA, the better.

Baine has been used SO disgustingly that actually using him in a Ned Stark esque plot would improve his characterization regadless of him dying (now THAT way people like me could actually start to take him as a character and not as Afriasiabi´s voice in off preaching over the greatness of Bladuin and Jaina).


Yeah, glad we’re finally seeing it more.

Jailer: Baine? Hey man what’s up?
Baine: Oh…you know, I just brought water bottles and towels for everybody.
Jailer: … and just like that, you’ve already contributed more than Tyrande or Malfurion.