Shadowlands: The Chains of Domination Content Update is Now Live!

Blood DK, Havoc DH, and loc of varying specs (he changes based on what he thinks will work best week to week or as he feels like).

We have no dedicated healer or heroism bringer.

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That’s most likely a safe bet at least it is new content to hold us off for a couple of months before we start the where is 9.2 at . ( Going with Nov 2 for that ) .


Class tuning usually comes with the x.x.5 patches


They were able to revamp every Classic Zone in WoW for Cataclysm so it wouldn’t surprise me if Shadowlands was the Cataclysm to Wrath of the Lich King’s Classic!


A lot of class tuning happens after heroic week.

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Too little, too late


No Normal and Heroic open July 6

LFR and Myhtic July 13 a week later with the normal 2 weeks between wings . Been like that for years .

I’m a lfr hero and it doesn’t bother me .

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Calling them content creators is a stretch.

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Bad news for you .


Your knees must be hurting right now.


Not as much as your mother’s back.


Thank you for giving us a date to look forward to I can’t wait to finally get flight so I do a lot of things I have been putting off such as collecting treasures, those shards in Bastion and yes playing much longer then I do now.

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Domination socket legendary recrafting??

Like we are just going to pretend this isn’t an issue or what?


All I bloody care about with patch 9.1 is to finally get flying as I am damn tried of being chased and dismounted by mobs while I am trying to make bank with ores and herbs.

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Raid Unlock Schedule

July 6 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties

inb4 15 out of 25 players are Hunters for the bow. :joy:

The dev team probably did say August. The business team noted that they’d rather push trash now and maintain subs for [timegated period] than release a good patch, by the time all momentum has been lost.

Nobody else is bothered that it’s not called “9.1” anymore but this goofy marketing schtick of “Chains of Domination” is hammered home instead? Almost like they don’t patch the game…


Can you blame them? Warglaives 2.0

It’s gonna clip into my arm isn’t it?

Every raid patch has a name.

And the PTR was 11 weeks which is Normal for raid patches. 8.1 was 11 weeks. 8.2 was 12 weeks.

Is this your first patch or something?

