Shadowlands Starting Quest: A Chilling Summons, No Death Gate on Paladin

I get the starting quest, talk to Nazgrim, see the cinematic … Mograine walks over and opens the gate which I cannot see … looks at me, and disappears into an invisible gate. The gate doesn’t show for me nor does it let me click that area. The gate is a ghost.


Bump for a blue. Would love to get to playing the new expansion.

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I’ve tried everything. Turned off war mode. Turned off add ons. Restarted game, relogged. Not really sure what to do.

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Is it hidden behind the goblin caravan? It was out of sight, but I found it.

Im having the same issue and have tried all the things you have as well, still no luck,

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i did the same, re-intal, etc still cant go to shadowland


I had the same thing, I had to abandon the quest 3 times then on the 4th try he showed up.

This quest is bugged for me and phases me out i cannot interact with Darion Mograine to even start this quest.

Same exact thing, i have abandoned and restarted quest probably 10 times. He walks over gate never appears, he disappears. It works fine on a different character for me but on my priest i can’t start the shadowlands, very very very aggravating.

Glad I bought the expansion and $20 upgrade just so i can sit here and not play, good stuff…

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bumping this,

Having the same issue on my Death Knight main. Every other character I have checked on my account is able to see the portal and start the quest but my Death Knight. I put in a support ticket and they told me to drop the quest and turn my addons off. Still unable to play.

GUYS! I figured it out, my toon was stuck in the legion starting quest line. I skipped legion and decided to do that scenario, after finishing it I was able to see the portal.

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I figured out too, i did the little quest on the dockside out of ogrimar, (first legion quest line) and after that i was abble to restart the chilling quest and the lortal appear

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