Shadowlands starter quests gone?

Hi, so I can’t seem to get any starter quests for shadowlands on my alts. Like normally there are DK’s there in org, but now there is no dk’s there and when I go to orbos it is empty for my characters. It is weird because there is NO way to access shadowlands raids or content with this.

It’s been bugged like this for months now, and has been reported many times. (one more bug report couldn’t hurt, honestly) Apparently if you choose the “skip intro, I’ve seen this before” option, you get bricked in Oribos and have no way (currently) to get that character into Shadowlands content. The fact that it’s been like this for so long shows that they don’t seem to care about anything that isn’t current content, which is a shame.

This is a good example of why Blizzard’s practice of questgating everything in modern expansions is so bad. More things to go horribly wrong.

This character is new (created around the Timerunning event) and can’t get in, either. I’m just hoping it gets fixed at least by this time next year.

Yep. My druid can access everything fine since I did it the normal way. My warrior though I can’t do anything. I chose to skip the intro and can’t do anything in the expansion. It’s been 4 months now for me.

I fyou haven’t done the Battle for Azeroth INtro questline up to opening the map and the portals… It will be bugged because that expansion with Shadowlands Conflicts Heavily. Do the BFA questline intro first… and then they should show up on the steps. If you are horde… Same thing. Open up the map. Go back to Orgrimmar and THEN you should be able to see bolvar out front. it’s weird. I don’t know why they still have BFA as the ‘low level main intro’ but they do when they have wrathion shoving his quests down your throat as soon as you reach level ten anwway but it is what it is. that is the workaround… and you have to be at least levle 50 to get the skip. Just letting you know. (I did this. I tested it. It’s a pain trust me)

I haven’t even gotten the option to even see the death knights at this rate.

I remember it exactly, and it was basically this:

  • Visit the death knights/etc in your capital.
  • Take quest and say “I’ve seen this before, skip the maw intro”
  • End up in the langoliers version of Oribos with almost nobody home and nothing to do.

It’s been a few months since that happened actually, I’d check but I’m betting it’s still a problem today. If I didn’t want access to my night fae hearthstone on this character so badly, I’d be laughing.

From what I recall skipping is what causes Oribos to be empty.

Doing all the quests without skipping seems to have no issues with Oribos.

It seems to be fixed now, my “stuck” character is now able to proceed through the shadowlands nonsense. :slight_smile: