Shadowlands skip to WQ?

By the time this character earned her Huntmaster title, she was lvl 52.
Having levelled a previous character through SL, she was able to skip the intro escape from the Maw bit, but didn’t there used to be a NPC so you could skip levelling through SL and go directly to WQ? I remember doing that on a couple of characters before DF was released.

You need to be 60 to get access to the Threads of Fate skip, and it can be buggy, especially if you did anything in Shadowlands before 60. When you get to 60, you can try talking to the NPC on the far eastern platform in Oribos to see if he has the Threads of Fate dialog option. If not, I’ve seen reports that using party sync with a low level can get the dialog option to show up.

Nuts! Thanks for the information even if it wasn’t what I hoped to learn.