Shadowlands Protection Paladin Healing Needs to be changed! Please Read!

I realize that the likely hood of a developer reading this and even considering it is slim to nill, but I thought I would say it anyway. WOG, or light of the protector is the only heal we have as a Holy tank and lets be honest it is not great. Sure we have lay on hands which is great. The other heal we have is flash of light which as even Wowhead says “Due to not being able to Block/Parry/Dodge while casting avoid using this spell while actively tanking”… So we should not do this while actively tanking, if your doing mythic + or in a pinch in a raid or even pvp, and light of the protector and Lay on hands are on cd, is this the go to we should be using? WE have one heal. That is it during our tanking, sure in shadowlands. Word of Glory has no CD, really but you need 3 holy power to use it and to make it really effective in the current build on the beta you need to stack up like 5 stacks of the bastion of light so 5 SOTR later now our 1 heal is viable. Also it heals more the closer we are to dead… it is a reactionary heal and not a very good one.

My suggestion, would be to bring back and I am sure I am going to get some hammers thrown at me, bring back Eternal flame. The tool tip I found from MOP says;
“Consumes all Holy Power to place a protective Holy flame on a friendly target, which heals them for 2402 per charge of Holy Power every 3 sec for 30 sec. Can be active only on one target at time”

I do not know why it was removed, maybe make it less powerful than it was or stronger?. Maybe put a player cap of 1 other than the casting paladin on it. This would give us a pro-active heal and something to use our HP on other than SOTR when we are not actively tanking or not taking huge amounts of damage. We could place a HOT on our selves and be ready for our turn to take the boss, have the SOTR ready and we still have WOG for the oh crap heal button.

As well another suggestion since I see just about every paladin on the forums and on videos really is not fond of the new Retribution Aura. Which makes sense, maybe in PVP its cool, but in mythic+ and Raids, you do not want people dying, why give us an Aura that benefits on the failures of others… Really?

Why not give us like Aura of Mercy, that heals those nearest to us for a small percentage say 3 percent of our max health, or 10 percent of spell power or attack power. I am not a numbers person I will let the community do that. But than when we are grouped up we as a HOLY GUARDIAN OF THE LIGHT… are also able to mitigate, hold threat, protect and heal our allies! like we should. Otherwise sometimes as a paladin I feel like a less mobile warrior. They have one heal, we have one heal. Flash of light doesn’t count, you would not sit there casting it while tanking and lay on hands doesn’t count either with long cd for 1 heal. SO take those away we are just a shiny warrior without charge and leap…

That is my thoughts, Eternal flame - Pro-active heal (2-10 percent max health HOT, or off spell power / attack power). Something we can prepare for. WOG you could either remove or give us the option to choose between WOG or Eternal flame like in MOP. Or Sacred Shield even :stuck_out_tongue:… I wont go down that rabbit hole. But something to make the class fit the lore, We are a holy tank, allow us to live out the dream of mitigating damage and healing ourselves and our allies. Or just fix WOG please! Make it so it is more beneficial when we are not about to die, or have to stack SOTR to make it useful? and why on the GCD!! please take it and or Eternal flame when you bring it in the game… off the GCD

SACRED SHIELD is another option to bring back: Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec, which increases the critical change of your Word of Glory on the target by 30%.
The shield also absorbs 5353 damage when the target takes damage, but no more than once every 6 sec. Can be active only on one target at time. Could make WOG more effective? thoughts?

Or maybe give us selfless healer. Turn the level 45 Talent row into a better heal option for protection. Since from what I have read the only really viable option on that list is Consecrated Ground… Just make that baseline. or make Selfless healer base line as an oh crap heal and replace WOG with eternal flame. or replace hand of the protector and judgment of light with Sacred shield and selfless healer or eternal flame. Something competitive to consecrated ground and worth thinking about and taking?


Guardian also only has 1 heal, unless you spec resto affinity and count the passive health regeneration. DH Gets heals from collecting soul fragments, and some absorb shields. First Avenger in the Prot tree is an absorb as well you can choose. You don’t have to pick Hand of Protection for the increased healing at lower HP on pali. But it is extremely strong. Judgement of Light is an option for a passive heal that acts almost like a HOT, or a leech. I’d have to do some testing, but I’d imagine it’s equal to around 10% leech. So you can spec to have a total of 3 types of healing if absorbs count as healing.

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As much as I don’t like the shining light change, I understand why it changed, because of the crusader’s judgement talent. My suggestion would be to revert the word of glory nerfs and change the place shining light comes from to using shield of the righteous. So pretty much every 3 sotr you’d get a free wog, and they’d be spaced out about the same as they were before.

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I get the we kind of have three heals, and I see the benifit of the free WOG. I just think I would like to see more tangible healing options for prot if that makes sense. Like Holy on top of all the other healing spells they have they can also spec into Lights hammer and holy prisom… So two more tangible healing abilities on top of the ones they already have. Granted they are the healing spec I get it.

I liked having one other healing ability that felt good, like eternal flame that was something I could be proactive in my tanking not reactive. A selfless healer fully charged and waiting or eternal flame ticking, or even sacred shield up. Like the hot on the judgement when you are activly tanking or and even not is gone so fast, and light of the protector heals other people. and sure shields from Avenging shield

No tank should be able to heal themselves in combat.

Self-healing makes your health spike more which makes the healer’s job less fun and more difficult.

That’s a ridiculous notion.

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Are you saying that tanks should not be able to self heal or they should? And I do believe they should be able to self heal So I disagree with Flauris, if the tank is better at keep themselves up, it means they can focus on those pesky hunters who die to random stuff. But A tank will still need love, I am not pitching for OP heals, just something more flavorful to push than a WOG that might help but really only good with less health, one guide I read it said to get the full effect of Light of the protector or WOG, is to actually not press SOTR and let your health go down enough for it to be beneficial… SO we need to flirt with death for an ability to be worthwhile. That does not seem right, in fact that would probably put more stress on our healers and our raid leaders, and dungeon groups. Rather than a tank who can hold his own, still needs help on big hitting mechanics and lots of trash, but not so much that you need designated healers on them 24/7. Imagine in a high level mythic + if you knew the tank could be okay, but you know the dps are going to struggle, less stressful yes, maybe less fun if that’s fun for you. Anyway, I just have never liked Light of the protector, I wish we had the choices like in MOP. I like choice, rather than this is it, let me decide how to play the class I want to play, and give me some flexibility in the way I mitigate and heal… I want the world man! I might be fighting a up hill battle