Shadowlands Preview: Soulbinds

Blizzard logic: We will find a way to make vampires unattractive. We WILL find a way. :thinking:

Maybe a couple of odd ones might be suave and dashing but the rest just yuck. More so the ones you soulbind with.

…Oh ok do I have an awesome male character in Bastion to bind with? Nope. We just took that away from you too. All male representation (Sexism works both ways) in the one zone you looked forward to (got dumped on in numerous ways) has been slashed.

** Swolekin sheds a singular tear **


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and that sux having to be reduced to making that kind of choice.

This game just gets more and more foolish over time. I don’t think Ion wants the game to be good for players…but only good for Ion. I’ve been playing WoW since the original. That may, unfortunately, be coming to an end. This whole idea sucks. Forcing players to play YOUR way instead of how they enjoy the game…and not listening to a word they say. Guess you guys all have Ted Turner disease…got too rich to care about the people who helped you get that way.

enough of the borrowed power systems already.