I don’t have the beta access, so I honestly don’t the answer to this question. Currently I’m leveling an alt Hunter.
Item - Pet Training Manual: Fetch / Play Dead are available at level 40 from Mardan Thunderhoof in Sholazar Basin currently.
Does anyone know what level your hunter needs to be to purchase this item once Shadowlands or pre-patch starts?
The other 3 books on the vendor are the same level.
Also, for the sake of science, I checked with Outfitter Reynolds at the order hall, since you can now level through Legion content from 10 to 50. Same level for that vendor, level 17 (he only has Fetch, Play Dead, and Hunter’s Call, however. Art of Concealment appears to be from a different vendor deeper into Highmountain).
Oh, and while we’re at it, the Order Hall armor set requires level 45, while the green weapons currently have no level requirement, and are itemlevel 47 (which is roughly equivalent to an heirloom at level 40).