Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

to be fair, the game engine and complexity won’t handle large groups of players well.

the original wintergrasp would end in a white cloud and you would wait a few minutes to see if you lived through it.

arena was a difficult thing to balance and changes there messed up pve.

Not what I said, but nice straw-grasping.

translation: i want my participation trophy for just logging in, i get them everywhere else why not here

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This big time

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My solutions would include…

World Boss that can wipe out 4 x 40man raid groups like nothing without using a very good strategy and some luck. That drops Gear = to Mythic ilvl.

Quest chains that are so tedious and long that you would need to be a WoW lore scholar to even find and complete that reveal hidden chests that have random Mythic ilvl gear.

A Lottery system that everyone can Pay gold to buy a ticket and at the end of the week a few lucky players win a Prize equal to Mythic quality ilvl.

Now these gears cannot be the same look or abilities as anything found in Raids. They must have a logical reason to exist like being an item used by a NPC or connected to the game story in other clever ways. This does provide players that are very intelligent and good puzzle solvers a path, players that love huge world groups and getting tossed and killed a ton a path. Also a path for the wealthy that need something to spend their riches on outside of AH.

Not if those x wow players played wow for endgame content.

I personally started playing ff14 some time ago absolutely praying it would be a wow killer for me. Needless to say, not even close.

Now if my thing was class fantasy, rp, lore, story, single player rpg stuff, then sure. But mmo supposed to be grindy, loot based games ultimately tied to progressing character power.

And the reason people would complain about that is that people would feel like they were forced to do it to be competitive. Just look at how much people loved essences, visions and the cloak questline. If there is a route to high ilvl gear people will think they absolutely have to do it.

At least with the systems we have now we have some variation of agency.

Well crud — time to go cancel my accounts

wow is a pve game.
it is not a pvp foccused game and never has been.
if you think for a moment that they are going to foccus on pvp instead of thier pve content then you are wrong. if you want a pvp foccused game go get crowfall it just released on public beta a month ago.

i love pvp in wow but im not going to demand they start foccusing on it if it sacrifices the quality of the majority of the playerbase

What if the other ways are considerably harder than mythic raiding, and have been since they were created?

well in bfa your gear didnt matter because there was gear scaling. everyone was strong regardless of if you had gear or not, you could go into a battleground for example with no gear and actuaklly deal more damage than somone with maxed out gear because thats how the gear scaling worked.

blizzard has removed the gear scaling so now you only deal damage if you have gear, so more gear equalsd more damage and less damage taken.

i dont think its going to be as big of an issue as the op makes it out to be though

It’s not going to be an issue at all. The way bfa had scaling was an issue. You SHOULD feel more powerful as your gear progresses and that’s a large part in why I didn’t bother in arena almost all expansion.

But the way gear is looking in shadowlands, you can progress your gear in pvp by doing rbgs or arena and get mythic quality gear or you can do m+ up to 15 and get a piece of mythic quality gear. The only advantage to raiding is you’ll get that gear faster but if they are reducing the amount of loot you can acquire they’ll probably only be a piece or so ahead of everyone else a week and I think that’s a decent tradeoff for the most difficult content in the game. M+ players have the short end of the stick but I don’t even look at that as being that bad.

exactly, nice to see somone with reason in this thread

The Secret Finding Discord has proven over and over how absolutely insane they are at finding hidden things.

And then once its found once, a guide is put up on WoW and their is no mystery.

Does Ralph just have a small community of tin foil hat wearing folks that like his posts or a billion alts or…?

Because most of the comments generally seem to disagree with him. lol

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what does the title of this thread even mean? I just have to lol at it as it doesn’t make sense.

Because it is some of the only serious activity in the game.

The issue is that Blizzard specifically makes their premiere raid modes accessible to what, <5% of overall playerbase? WoW would skyrocket in subs if they managed to drop Normal Raid mode, and tune mythic somewhere between its current iteration and current heroic. Special snowflakes will cry that their rare titles go away, but that’s why server 1st titles should make a comeback. Can’t make the cut? Then you’re as trash as everyone you claim doesn’t deserve to be there.

There’s a reason this game exploded when MC/Naxx/BWL were the highest end raiding. You were allowed to have fun in raids - things like throwing snowballs at the raid leader mid pull, not play as seriously as you have to now in order to get the best loot in the game.

After reading all the extremely elitist and angry mythic try hard comments it becomes quite clear to everyone else what kind of people they are.

They obsess over who ‘deserves’ what even though they haven’t truly done anything huge, hell even world first isn’t a big achievement compared to actual competitive pvp esports, yet we ve seen how elitists like preheat from limit had deluded himself to think his name is such a big deal he started sending cease and desist on people using the same name because he ‘worked hard’ for his brand name lmao
Receipts in case anyone wasn’t aware.

We see the same delusion here with the majority of the raid or die defenders, and tryhard mythic raiders calling everyone else undeserving peasants because how dare the peasants demand better treatment while the elite go around ruining everyone’s fun because they also don’t want mythic gear to be disabled outside of mythic raids

It honestly is reaching close to real world elitism and classism, the elite have a lot of influence over the rules and design aka secret forums the devs give them access to and call anyone demanding justice a troll, an entitled peasant or make up conspiracies.

Blizzard might want to start doing something cuz shadowlands might be great with locked covenants and conduits but the raid or die system can kill the expansion and see a mass exodus of casuals who are fed up being treated as 2nd class citizens in the game they pay the same as mythic raiders


personally id like to see set bonuses based and designed around the specific content marginalizing any stat game from ilvl.

the problem with fighting games is i don’t get to design my character in a fighting game. i enjoy mmorpgs in that regard, and feel that if im building a character for a specific type of content it shouldn’t be overshadowed by someone whos designing a character to do something else entirely.

I hope this design pushes you away from wow for good.