Shadowlands need delayed

Waffles, everyone needs waffles

It’s delayed because no eggs

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They took most people’s money months ago. Its pre-purchase, not pre-order.

They seem to think it’s in good shape. Be sure to give them feedback via your subscription dollars if it stinks.

“9.1 will fix it!”

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Oh my… you went Horde!

<- Morenn

if the majority of players make it that long, most have a 2 week rule, if its not fun after 2 weeks its over and they are out :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been playing 13 years, and I’ve never seen them delay something only to make it better. It just doesn’t correlate. Year of garrosh caused me to unsub and WoD was not amazing despite that “delay,” just saying.

Well you might want to look again.


Thanks blizzard!


aged like milk in the desert


Actually I was thing eggs in the hot sun. :no_good_woman: :rofl:

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This didn’t age well :rofl:


I was wrong. The game is either in such bad shape that they felt that the fallout was worth it or … they felt that BfA went so badly that they couldn’t risk putting out another expansion that wasn’t well received.

Honestly, I am shocked. I don’t normally put my stock in internet people saying the sky is falling but it must have been pretty broken.

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Little of column A, little of column B?

The game isn’t bad it’s one feature of the game people hate but so many people listen to a washed up raider and a mount farmer and complained to blizzard they gave in. Instead of releasing and doing hot fixes on the one feature they decided to scrap it because they want to appeal to twitch streamers and you tubers

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Well, um… this aged well.

Scroll up a few post, I have already been called out on this.

Hey, I notice that you suddenly became really quiet in these topics, like mine where you were acting like a smug jerk:


2181 posts

120 Blood Elf Paladin 20500

16 Aug

I don’t believe ANY amount of time would have fixed the problems with BfA. But this whole discussion is pointless since there isn’t going to be a delay.

Why is that?

You do realize there were classes missing abilities / abilities that did not WORK

What does “shadowlands need delayed” mean?

Is that dim English or something?

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