Shadowlands Laptop

Hey Guys,

I have an Acer Aspire r5-571t-5720 laptop from 2016. This is not really a gaming laptop but has worked fine for my limited usage. In game, I typically run Mythic 15+, downed heroic N’zoth one time, and some low mmr 1700ish arenas.

I was reading my specs seem to be well below those needed for shadowlands. My laptops specs are:
Intel R HD Graphics 620
Intel® Core™ i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
8.0 GB Ram
Windows 10

I was thinking about upgrading my 1 TB HDD to a 500 GB Samsung EVO 500GB 2.5 Inch SATA III Interal SSD. Around $69.99 for the SSD and $8 for the cord to clone the drive. This seems like it would fix my current loading issues in the Boralus portal room and Dalaran (legion).

My graphics and CPU would still be below what is needed for the game but would it be playable for my activities? From what I have read, it is not really possible to upgrade the CPU or graphics in the laptop so I would be looking at purchasing a desktop at that point.

I only play about 12-hours per week so it is difficult to justify spending $750 on a new computer when we are looking at putting a down payment on a house.

I appreciate the help!

I think you should get the SSD.

Even if it doesn’t turn out the CPU/gpu isn’t fast enough for shadowlands, you can always still benefit from the SSD in the laptop for general use

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