Shadowlands Issues

So The Other Day I Was Questing In ShadowLands With My Priest To Try To Get The Cov Set. As I Was Questing I Was Having Lag/Delay Issues And I Was Like “What The Hell?” “Why Am I Lagging And Having Delay Problems?” Did They Not Fix Shadowlands? Is It Broken? What Gives? Someone Please Explain! :confused:

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Dude, I know everybody is ignoring this post , cause it is in the wrong forum
I assume by " I was out questing’ you weren’t in Oribos, but 1 of the 4 zones.
I don’t know where you were in a particular zone when you lagged.
Please include this information and post it in the bug report forum.
Assuming the moderator hasn’t deleted this already.

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You know the other thing that’s broken is your keyboard. The intention behind capitalizing the first letter is to denote the start of a sentence.


Those two words go together a lot more than you think.

I was having some odd lag spikes every now and then yesterday and this morning doing TWW stuff. I couldn’t really tell if it was my internet or the game but that was my experience.

Maintenance is today in about an hour, give it until then and see if the lag issues persist.


I’m curious about whether he actually manually capitalized every word as he typed, or if he used some automated function to do it. Because “inquiring minds want to know”.

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I think ChatGPT has a setting :rofl:

They don’t even bother to fix bugs anymore. I have enough evidence to prove that.

Revendreth is the laggy zone. It’s pretty bad.

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I can’t say that I’ve noticed any expansion-specific performance issues myself. Sounds like an internet thing to me.

I go to korthia and the maw every week to farm mounts from Sanctum of Domination and have never noticed any issues whatsoever.

Also I go to Maldraxxus every day (on two characters) to farm the Tahonta mount and have never had any issues there, either.

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Can’t really say what your exact situation is, but I’ve been going back and working on old SL Achvs for the last 2-3 weeks and it just never ceases to surprise me JUST HOW BAD this content is.

All of it is super grindy, with bad mechanics, and low drop rates.

NONE of it is any FUN. I mean, why would you put that in your GAME, right?

I am soooo glad I skipped all this garbage when it was current. So many of these 2-3 hours grinds are reduced to 10-15mins because you can now 1-shot everything and/or have all 5 of a limited spawn item to yourself.

SL is embarrassingly bad. >(

I’ve been doing a lot of questing in Shadowlands in order to complete covenants and get the 2 bajillion anima needed to buy everything. My computer has handled it well but it is only 3 years old with a 12th gen Intel CPU.

The geometry of the floating zones can probably give some machines a run for their money.

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NOPE mait. is 6 hours or more not one. LOL

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That was referring to it starting in about an hour at the time it was posted. More accurately it was an hour and twenty minutes.

I’m not sure the point of this outside of a ‘hah gotcha’ over something so meaningless.

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why would a moderator delete his thought?
he didn’t write anything threatening anyone.
he wrote what he experienced.
this hypersensitivity stuff needs to end.

Stop Typing Like This, It Looks Silly And It’s Insane To Press Shift At The Beginning Of Every Word.

Hey , I answered his post and everybody else was ignoring it , and forum mods delete my posts when I put them in the wrong forum, so STUPIDLY I thought he would be treated equally thus.
There are a couple scenarios in western Rivendreth that might be bugging and causing some lag. That is all I can think of offhand.

The only problem I experienced ( and reported) in Rivendreth , was being dismounted on the main road close to the slime lake. It does this every time for no reason and there is no NPC around that is responsible.

If you are Venthir covenant , you may want to work on the chain and open more areas, which could be causing you lag.

The only issue I’ve had with SL (and mind you I did not play that expansion) is that it came out. Pulls on sunglasses or… However that meme goes…