Shadowlands is too grindy

Shadow lands and World of warcraft has become to grindy. For returning players as well. It takes way to long to be able to catch back up to people that have been consistently playing the game. I am a pvp player. I DO NOT want to have to grind mindless torghast to get legendries to make myself competitive in pvp. I do not want to have to grind more ash to get my legendaires 291 on my main and then do it again on alts. They need to get rid of this is dragon flight. I want to get on grind honor gear play the content that I want to play and then play arena and get that conquest. All the other stuff is trivial and a drag. This is why the sub numbers are the lowest that they have been. Let people play end game content. Making alts the last 2 xpacs hasnt been an absolute nightmare even with the catch up systems. You need to be able to trade honor throughout characters as well. Get rid of stuff like torgahst. pls pls make these changes for next xpac

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I disagree…

I feel like Shadowlands is not grindy enough. All the important stuff is, or used to be, time gated. That’s not fun.

That being said, the grinds SL does have aren’t rewarding enough. Doing Torghast for example should have gear drops or something in addition to currency used for leggos.

A solution to your problem are rep grinds (another annoying timegate) where you can buy basically legendary kits with that particular patch zone.

If I were you, I’d farm Zereth Mortis. Cosmix flux drops like my ex-wife in a room full of men. Once you’re honored, you can buy a kit for a 291 leggo, have enough Flux leftover ton craft the leggo, and you’re good to go.

All you gotta do to get the flux is play the game in ZM. Ki rares, open chests, do WQs, etc.