Shadowlands is not an easy fix. But it's fixable

  1. Don’t just pull the ripcord.

Remove Covenant “Force” and Replace it with “Choice”.

This is accomplished by creating a universal renown pool, and also allowing a person to choose which covenant he gives his Renown to.

Want to be 3/13/5/17? Fine. Eventually you can be 40/40/40/40. That’s up to you, but you have to put in the grind to get there.

Renown is earned by completing callings, mythic dungeons, raid bosses, rated matches of any kind, small chance from wq’s and random bg’s.

  1. Remove Covenant Abilities

Re-Add them as Talents in their own window, and rework them a bit. It’s perfectly doable to add a new tab next to “Talents” and “Specialization” tabs. This could also be another click in the Covenant window as well.

Example -
Covenant Ability Specialization -Kyrian -
Renown 1 unlocks Divine toll. Every 20 renown increases targets hit by 2 up to max of 5 at 40.
(Or maybe 1 every 10 renown total of 5 at 40?)
renown 10 unlocks Phial heals health baseline
renown 15 unlocks Phial Mana
renown 20 unlocks Phial Rejuvenation (health and mana)
Renown 30 unlocks phial heals 25% more but over 10s
Renown 40 unlocks Phial remove all status effects and prevents from being applied for 3s.
(Shares cd with trinket, can be used in lieue of pvp trinket in pvp with alternate trinket for best utility) <---- optional trinket replacement/upgrade?!

(Unlock all covenants to 40, unlock Phial Immunity to all damage for 3s, 30m cd, not useable in rated pvp)

This is just one example of how I would rework this specific covenant. Obviously other classes would add some option that is useful in all content for all covenants.

  1. Torghast Revamp

Torghast run times shortened extensively by reducing mobs or mob health. Each encounter is designed around each room aggroing all at once and you are locked in each room until all monsters in that room are cleared. You recieve healing and anima powers as example for completing a room.

Torghast Powder (whatever it’s called) is now kept at the end of the run and can be sornt outside of a run to purchase consumables, permanent upgrades, buffs and other useful items, as well as customization and appearance items, to be used on your NEXT Torghast run.

Maybe you failed. Didnt completely finish the run. But that’s okay… You still got something toeards a permanent upgrade, so no run is ever truky a waste.

Unlimited Stygia, no cap.

Let me play the gaaaaaaaaaaaame bro.

Maybe time gate the actual “upgrade” ability to once every 72 hours or something so each legendary upgrade upgrade, if I were to grind all that stygia, could be completely maxed out in 12 days. 3 legendaries a month.

Can’t we just add a few mire down the line in months once people have gotten them all on all their alts and everything? Doesn’t seem too much of a problem to add to the current system. Maybe when we add a second or third equippable lego slot?

“What? Don’t you guys play Hades?”

Torghast is MUCH more of a Rogue Like now. An… actual… rogue like. A fun one.

Trials of the Ascended mixed with Torghast.
No more player class, player spec, in Torghast.

Instead, we use soulbinds. That’s right! Similar to Kyrian Trials of Ascension, Torghast will now be you CONTROLLING YOUR CHOSEN SOULBIND!

Whoa! Imagine balancing only around 12 specific classes with only 5-6 base abilities plus anima powers. Instead of how many broken classes and specs and spec talent variations that don’t seem to do well at all?

Each Soulbind is unlocked by Progressing through COVENANT CAMPAIGNS. NOT TIED TO RENOWN. This is to give players access to all of the different fun and exciting classes to pick for torghast early on, and not get stuck or burnt out with a soulbind that doesn’t really mesh with your playstyle or even mood at the time.

Progressing through Torghast allows you to unlock different WEAPON TYPES which changes your abilities slightly. If you were a ranged type soulbind who shot a slow moving crossbow bolt and you find/equip them with their bow, they now shoot more rapidly and fire faster moving arrrows that deal less damage per hit due to their increased firing speed.

This allows for some progression and growth within each soulbind as well as variety, experimentation and fine tuning of playstyles.

Soulbinds LEVEL UP!

This will be required to advance to deeper floors of Torghast. A Low level soulbind will struggle with stuff your higher level soulbinds do with ease… until they are of equal level. Now maybe you get much further with your new soulbind because you mesh with the playstyle better and also improved in other ways such as talents or gear etc.

Factor that in with anima powers and permanent talent/ability/gear unlocks ( all of which are selected at the beginning of the run)

Challenge Modes - Higher tuned runs with modifiers to the run similar to mythic affixes, allowing you to earn more soul ash, anima, stygia and rare collectibles as rewards for completing. (Also similar to Trials of Ascension.)

This will be the main way you unlock special soulbind specific items at the primary challenge levels. Higher challenge levels will unlock cosmetic items for your main character as well. Once you unlock something on your soulbind it will be available to select on that soulbind at the beginning of every run going forward.

This gives replayability and enjoyment (Dare I say fun?) as you continue playing with different soulbinds in order to unlock everything for them all and complete all of the soulbind specific challenges.

There will be challenges completeable by any soulbind as well as challenges only completeable by specific soulbinds.

  1. 4x the Covenants 4x the anima?

No. 16x the anima. We need anima 4x faster than it is now. People have lives. There are other games. I have alts. They COULD be alt mains…

With 4x as many Covenants now to work on we need 4x4 the amount of anima. Maybe not increasing the amounts over 250 per reward, but increasing things that give 12 anima to somewhere around 150 instead.

  1. Remove Mythic Plus Timer for anything that has an ilvl upgrade above itself possible by completing a run to be eligible for all loot drops.

This means, since 14 timed drops 207 and 15 drops 210, 14 AND BELOW no longer needs to be timed. ONLY the highest ilvl dropping Mythic+ level AND ABOVE in a tier must be timed for loot.

13 untimed = (204 ilvl) all loot drops
14 untimed = (207 ilvl) all loot drops
15 untimed =(210 ilvl) 0 loot droos
16 untimed = (210 ilvl) 0 loot drops
17 untimed = (210 ilvl) 0 loot drops

13 timed = (204 ilvl)all loot drops
14 timed = (207 ilvl)all loot drops
15 timed = (210 ilvl) all loot drops
16 timed = (210 ilvl) all loot drops
17 timed = (210 ilvl) all loot drops

Only one timer exists in a run, the longest timer. There is no more levels of timing. Either time it don’t.

  1. Remove Mythic Keys and Loot Lockouts

We have lives. Alts. Other games. We want to be able to run stuff over and over again and if we run out of content too fast even after making it this alt friendly, that’s Blizzards problem. Not ours. Put out content and we will pay for it. We are NOT paying for CHEAP TIME GATING TACTICS again!

Keys are Gone.

Mythic Entry is now based on completion, similar to Torghast Layers. Each level unlocks the subsequent higher difficulties, FOR THAT SEASON, based on performance, and each dungeon saves it’s own unique memory of each dungeons highest run for each character.

Completed a 5 PF and 2 SOA with 0 deaths in each? You can now do 8 PF and 5 SOA.

0 deaths completion unlocks 3 levels higher than current completed maximum.
<5 to 10 deaths unlocks 2 levels higher than current completed maximum.

10/15 deaths unlocks 1 levels higher than current completed maximum.
No completion delevels key by 1.

Keys 10 and above go up to 10 and 15 deaths respectively before lowering level increase amounts.

You can also be invited into other groups where they have already unlocked a higher tier mythic level than yours and complete the dungeon and completion of the dungeon will still reward you the unlocks for completing a much higher dungeon because you did it. Why make you climb from the bottom when you can obviously handle harder content.

They will just need to be leader of instance group before entering and start the key themselves.

  1. Heroic and Normal Raiding is removed.


LFR remains a way for users to complete quests, enjoy lore/story and get off brand transmog versions for alts or casuals who don’t mind not having the best appearance available in a mog suite.

Mythic Raiding is brought down to just above “Heroic Level” in base difficulty, but raiders are able to add at least 3 different affixes to a heroic fight in order to make it more challenging. They can choose one, 2 or even all three affixes at once. Each additional affix adds another drop to the boss kill table. With each +3 boss adding a token for one person to be able to select one single mount from a selection of maybe 5+ mounts for that raid. (Mounts should be related to raid itself and only obtainable in this way)

Achievements will also be tied into raiding, with mythic raiders earning raid instance only "gear adornments for completing certain achievements as they progress through the raid at it’s multiple difficulty levels.

At first, a guild will farm heroic, the most elite will jump quickly into mythic +1 raiding, and nobody will bother with +2 or +3 in any combination until later on.

+3 is only for the most elite players. Most may never see this let alone complete it.

+2/3 would be considered hardcore guild and somewhere between heroic and mid raid tier progression +1 is where the majority of players will lie.

Each boss kill at each difficuly affix level will grant a permanent stacking 50 versatility buff to the player against THAT SPECIFIC boss in all mythic iterations going forward.

You kill Shriekwing on Mythic with 0 affix
50 vers perm buff
You kill Shriekwing on Mythic with 1 affix
50 vers buff + 50 vers buff = 100 vers perm buff
You kill Shriekwing on Mythic with 2 affix
100 vers + 50 vers = 150 vers perm buff

  1. Gear Adornments

These are the bread and butter of raiding.

All tiers of raiding drop gear adornments, but each increasing raid difficulty drops increasingly better statted gear adornments.

A gear adornment from Mythic 0 boss may look similar, but has much lower stats than that of a mythic +1 2 or 3 affix boss kill.

Adornment bonuses ONLY APPLY IN THE RAID THAT IT DROPPED. Progression through the next tier will require raiders to start again from mythic 0 progression and work their way up from there, with new gear adornments and new gear for that raid.


Add a shrunken head to your belt, a shrunken head hangs off your belt.
Add a burning chain to your hilt, a burning chain hangs from the hilt of your weapon.
Lightning charged bow string? Your bow string surges with electricity.

You can SEE them on your character. As you build up more, and with much variety in looks, before long your character will look battle hardened and a seasoned veteran displaying all of his hard earned war trophies as a status symbol and mark of pride.

Gear Adornments can be removed by using a Jewlcrafting item, should have a sale price around 200-500g per to keep them valuable but not too expensive to be worth experimenting.

People should be able to collect a fair amount of adornments and begin experimenting with different combinations.

Low level beginner Gear Adornments will be available from WQ, Callings, but only upgradeable with valor to maximum completed end raid boss mythic level

If you completed all raid bosses at +1 you can upgrade all owned adornments to the ilvl of adornments that drop from that level of boss.

Only by looting a higher ilvl adornment or completing the final boss of the higher mythic level, will you be able to upgrade your adornments ilvl from there.

This is to maintain a sense of progression but also a boost once the entire dungeon has been completed at that tier. To make transitioning to the next tier smoother and quicker.


  1. Conduits Gone

Everything they added will be added via Gear Adornments and much more options as well to bring about flavor and customization.

  1. All gear ilvl is maxed at Mythic 0.

Once you have all your gear from Mythic 0, you are done farming for gear slots from that raid tier. From here on out, all power progression will be done solely through gear adornments, that doesn’t affect anything besides player power within the raid itself.

(This means outside of a raid, a mythic +3 and mythic +0 player will have the SAME STATS!!!)

You are a powerful mythic raider, not an all knowing all destructive god. If yiu want to go run mythic dungeons with the guys who do that primarily, the content is not trivialized because you “raid”. Your raiding progression POWER is only reflected IN THE RAID but your achievements and rewards from completing the reward are permanent, and unique only ever to those who completed the content.

You gotta step it up here as well and not rely on gear to carry you through what most do without it.

(Remember gear adornments onky apply stats in raid, but the awesome visual effects from all those stacked adornments will remain!)

  1. Elite Rewards

For the very best of the best, those who complete +3 mythic dungeon before the release of the next raid tier, will ALWAYS be eligible for a unique mount, title and weapon illusion specific to the raid and highly related to the final boss of the dungeon or at least very related in terms of the lore; the reason for completing this dungeon.

This is because not all end bosses are going to be able to produce a mount that relates to them. Some bosses are too strange or unique to simply make a mount related to them specifically. I mean, what would the KJ mount have been for such an epic feat. A mini Burning Legion Star Destroyer thst you ride like a skateboard maybe?

Kinda like that actually A Legion Hoverboard.

Thank you all for listening to just some of the suggestions I have to bridge the gap in the community as well as the gap between players and developers that exists today.

If Blizzard investors see this beautiful magic and decide to hire me to fix this game that I love, I am open to that as well. And I’m nowhere in the ballpark of what you pay Ion I’d wager, let alone Bobby!

Also, to any raiders or mythic runners or pvpers I may have offended. That is the opposite of my goal.

I want Mythic Raiders to still have a power progression system, but also not enabling that progression to trivialize not only all other content, but players as well.

I want Mythic Dungeoneers to be able to run more pugs to get geared, SUCCESSFULLY, BUT I also want to keep the ability to run super high end bragging rights/skill keys for higher raiderio rating to showcase their own skill in their respective area of expertise as well.

PvPers. I’m not sure how this would affect us, outside of gicingus another facet of gsmeplay to enjoy, without it consuming our lives, which is a big reason alot of us have settled down to pvp in the first place.

Come on guys! Everyone has criticism on what is wrong but here are proposed solutions to alot of problems!!!



Blizzard, please do all of the things listed here.


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Well at least somebody liked it…

Seems like all anyone wants to do around here is put out trash products to trash people who trash on eachother all day because trash.

I offer a modicum of sanity amongst the madness and I might as well be the crazy one for it.

I guess this is how you feel right before you give up and walk away.

If you call literally redesigning an expansion, taking many many many many months to do, possibly to a year as fixable, sure. But then isn’t it better to just scrap the thing at that rate, lol.

This sounds like a really cool concept! I read the rest of the post and it was all really well thought out and overall sounds like a HUGE improvement.

But having knick knacks to dangle all over different spots of your character would be SOOOOOO COOL!!!

I can think of so many things.

Maybe a knife stabbing through your arm dripping blood that somehow actually gives you life steal to attacks.

Or a sack of “herbs” with a pipe and mushrooms on my troll druid!!!


All this could easily be done in one content patch if we sacrificed on “added maw content”.

I honestly would prefer to reset shadowlands from zero under my proposed changes than to continue with another maw update.

I mean… uggggh.

Couple more months and… we get to spend more time in the maw.


I haven’t even worked out what to do with the maw yet. That place just suuuuucks. Like the whole vibe is whack.

It’s like being forced to hang out with a dude that has a hit out on him for being a dirty nasty disgusting human being.

Like… why. Am. I. Even. Doing this… I don’t like you at all.

Aiight imma head out.

I’m not quite sure you know what this team can or cannot do within a content patch when said patch takes several months to do. They are already on the back foot and realistically speaking, they are doing more chasing then anything and are IMO going to refrain from adding any extra work or bigger systems changes etc… this expansion I feel is gonna be really skimping on anything worth while.

Your ideas are fine, I’m just not sure you get that your changes would take a very very long time to do at the rate these people are going.

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I know. It’s just like watching my dad kill my mom.

I love them both. I’m about to get up and save my mom. But she ain’t dead yet. So I’m hoping he’s gonna change. Just change your mind pops!

But then in reality i’m tied up. My hands are tied. I just have to sit and watch a person I love go crazy and kill another things I love, then to find out they are actually doing it to hurt me and my mom is just an innocent bystander.

WoW is my mom.
Actiblizz is my Dad and I’m just over here like can we just be a normal family that doesn’t intentionally kill one another to hurt the other?

It’s tragic bro.

If this was the only way to get legendaries I’d have unsubbed after the first run. I’m here to play my character, not trash vehicle combat dummies.

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So you enjoy Torghast?

So you’re the one they made it for…

Where did I say that?

Ahhh I was gonna discuss this with you but after seeing your profile it seems you don’t even play the game at all. So you wouldn’t even notice these changes.

Maybe we add a special “character run” option the way it is so people who don’t even play the game can not play it the way it was before they made it playable.

A big wall that asks to redesign everything.
New and exciting.

Convenants are meh but far from beign a headache, if anything short the covenant change quest by 1 week instead of 2.
Rest people just want more loot, descent rewards and more ways to gain soul ash because torghast is very unrewarding… and wanna fly because pathfinder is dumb.

You dont need to re-do the whole game which is in a long content draught.


They aren’t the company we met all those years ago.

They can’t do things like that anymore. Or won’t.


Its too late, we are what 5 months into SL cant just redesign it real quick

I still hold some glimmer of hope that deep down inside of pits of Blizzard some morsel of humanity remains that is still fighting against the Actiborg transformation.

Maybe they are working together with a majority investor who has a plan to yank power away from the void lords and make Blizzard Great Again.

Mike Morhaime is just sitting at the bottom of his fortress locked away until the day he can retake his throne.

Maybe, just maybe, they will remember me for my constant relentless scrutiny against the void lords and ask me for my wisdom and assistance in ushering in a new era of WoW.

Unheard of since the ancient times of Northrend. The prophecy will come true.

I will usher us into the motherland.

All you have to do is believe.

I started to read your thesis and my eyes started to roll back in my head and I thought “oh god another Jimmy Devtron post”. Then I kept reading and some of your ideas have merit. I like number 1 & 6.

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But… gear adornments.

The best thing about all of it.

Visual Trinkets attached to your armor that give bonuses as well.

I want a ton of skulls hanging off my death knight from black chains that flail around as I move and swing my weapon.

Like War Medals, an extra layer on top of armor.

They did it kinda half-baked in warhammer and it was awesome.

The other stuff was just icing.

It makes no sense that a covenant would be so thin-skinned and petty as to punish you after you did so much work for them. On the contrary they’d be thankful and say that you’re welcome to come back at any time.

How about once you’re renown with one covenant you can become renown with another and not lose the first one? All you need to do is change your base covenant ability in a rest area.

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Retail is fundamentally broken and I don’t think there is any fixing it. Someone made a post about Valheim recently that speaks to the problem with Retail.

That Valheim did a good job of giving the player a deep world to engage with at their pace and their direction. Another game I’d liken to this is Terraria. Or even Minecraft. Think about very deep systems in the game where you can just do something like fish all day. Or mine all day. Or explore the dungeon. Or kill bosses. Or build a sky rail from one coast to another (ok, more than a day maybe).

Games that offer players a huge variety of deep roles to engage in versus Games that boil down all possible roles to one.

It’s not difficult to understand now why retail is a bad product. What have the devs given us for the money? NPCs that never shut up. I actually have to squelch them with an addon! Boring repetitive world content. An on rails design with dungeons. Crafting professions that don’t have the depth of a game like Terraria.

It’s a great looking game but it’s unfortunately inferior to so many game options on the PC.

If remaking retail the goal should be do anything in the world you like, with consequences. Want to be a fisherman? Be ready to fish for many hours. Want to be a raider who needs fish? Find a fisherman. Dig it now? Raiders don’t get everything boiled down for them.

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