Shadowlands is Goofy

The plot of SL feels like the plot of a Smash Bros game. Random characters are just recycled and spit at us all over the place, and it feels goofy. Why did anyone think this was a good idea? Like it was alright for the leveling quests, but what are we? like 10 months in? it’s just a parody of itself now. I like how previous lore had to be wrecked to make room for this also, like Kel’thuzard was ACTSCHULLY serving the Jailor and not the Scourge the whole time??? like what? same thing with Dreadlords lol.

Ooooh! Uther has appeared!
Ahhhh Lady Vashj is on our side!
Oh noes! Kel’thuzard!
Aaaaahh! Ysera!
Mal’Ganis?! Oh no! he’s a bad guy!
B-b-b-but Kael’thas <3


A Challenger Approaches!



I feel like it’ll end up being like a comic book and they’ll figure out a way to bring back the big names in the future. Why write new characters when we can just res the old ones somehow?

Time travel
We bring them back through the veil
Alternate universe
Azeroth herself raises them when she hatches
It was all and old god induced dream

All possible and more

Wow has always been goofy

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Is Nasu working for Blizz now. This is all like Fate: Grand Order, after all.

and he double crossed the dreadlords to help arthas. the dread lords double agents for Sire D. who was a double agent for the jailor.

So by double crossing the dreads did he double cross he jailer?

That many nested double agent stories…not even sure if rules for say double negative apply.

Does a double cross to a double cross cancel out? and does the 3rd double cross have it count again?


The story reminds me a bit of Ancient Aliens.

For those unfamiliar, Ancient Aliens is a show on the history channel that explains how every single event throughout the entire history of human civilization happened through extraterrestrial intervention.

Likewise, we are learning everything that has ever happened in the history of WoW is because of manipulation by the jailer.


This can only be resolved with Anduin, Jaina, Chromie, Khadgar and Genn rolling up in a battered old van and pulling a mask off the Jailer. “Old Man Medivh. So it was you all along!”


And it is complete butchery of any prior world building, character building, story telling, etc. Third war? Meaningless. Almost every death is meaningless and inconsequential now.

Say what you will about old warcraft stories and lore, it beats the hell out of Acti-BlizZ-Disney’s Warcraft: Endgame the Zovaal chapter




I wish it was goofy, all the main characters act like super serious clones of each other. WoW lore used to be fun.

Yeah it’s crazy how we see all of those DEAD characters in the AFTERLIFE where DEAD people go…

Yeah, its weird, lol. I’d like to go back to a big island or continent. Never really cared for Cataclysm, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands zones being split up. I like Shadowlands compared to the other two.

My favorite part is when Jaina forgets that you saved her from the Maw.

WoW’s story was good when it was expanding off of Warcraft 3 storylines.

Now everything is so clichéd and creatively bankrupt that they think recycling characters is fresh.

This was another weird choice they did, and didn’t even have to do. Like it shouldn’t be mandatory that you have to use flightpaths to get around. It makes things feel really disconnected.

Some DH’s have asked for jump off the flight mount lol.

Jump off the mount and glide in. Non DH’s lets really boost the goblin glider sales or use their cast for slow fall if they have it.

I think some who designed this worked for a military admin section. The section on your change of station orders sets up your flights to the next station/home if leaving the military.

When my contract up and leaving the Marines I left San Diego air port at like 1500. I landed in Philly 1000 the next day. I don’t think they could have found a longer way home for me if they tried.

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When you really water down the plot of shadowlands its even worse then that.

SL: Go to giga hell to fight giga satan.
Tell me thats not an accurate description of SL.

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Let’s be honest. If Sylvanas had the same hp as us, what spec would kill her the fastest

Boomkin convoke