Shadowlands is already on the verge of being terrible

It wasnt even that much harder. And mechagon itself isnt difficult.

the timer does not activate in the starting floors (which supposedly is all you will need to progress) and the timer is instated to prevent bloodlust waiting for the people who want to do torghast competitively, going to floors higher than whats needed for progression. I don’t mind the timer.

Still in alpha and people are already making judgements. Love it

It can’t be any worse than The Verge Magazi
cough i mean website


I am more alarmed about the daily time limit in the maw which is where we grind keys for torghast.

Think uldum/vale daily vision quests without flying and a timer.

You’re telling me. I did my one key this week and all I wanted to do was finish it. My group just was go go go and pulled multiple groups even with the affix that stacks. I wasn’t given any time to drink or really heal people up between encounters. We managed to +3 it though, so yay???

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I didn’t know about this. I thought Torghast was something you could do without having to grind mindless chores to get chances to do it like visions.

Casuals are not only the majority,but this game was branded as the casuals mmo on release.

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How do you know most? I know great players like TMSean who like doing tmog runs from time to time.

The 12 million subs in wrath would like a word with you.

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The story of arthas is legendary, it wasn’t about the game being good

Yes, from time to time. But as someone who plays the game 12+ hours a day I’m sure he needs variety every now and then

Consider: if you fail on a pull in Torghast, after you’re penalized for the death, and spend the time running back to the same mob pack
 the next pull will be even harder due to the stacking soft enrage. This might force you to waste a couple minutes waiting on a cooldown to become available again just to make sure you have a better chance at defeating the mob pack.

If they don’t want people sitting around waiting for cooldowns, they could put a limit on the number of times a specific cooldown can be used on the floor, or in the tower run
 and then they don’t need to bother designing a complex soft enrage system that ruins the fun for their non-hardcore players.

Because it’s possible to use your brain and logic and knowledge of game design to make judgments before the game is released. That’s how the designers do it, too.

Because nothing could be complex about deciding how many times a Mage can use Combust or a Rogue Vanish, and then applying a similar system to 35 different specs.

Those aren’t the cooldowns they would put limits on, and you know it.

Bloodlust/Heroism/etc. BIG cooldowns, not core parts of classes.

I srsly don’t understand why WOW has become a job. This game now has deadlines, enforcement of rules to speed up things. This game is the epitome of not having player agency.

Does Blizzard even have product designers? because user agency is the fundamental thing for any product be it hardware or software.

Combustion is a far bigger part of Mages damage than Bloodlust is.

Most classes have incredibly powerful cooldowns, why wouldn’t a Mage wait for Combust or a DH for Meta if there is no punishment for doing so?

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 Right. Combustion is a core part of the class and its rotation. Time Warp is not; it’s a big, one-use cooldown. Combustion doesn’t need to be limited, and it’s STRANGE to me that you’re focused on it instead of the big cooldowns that matter for a system like this.

Blizz is worried that people are going to wait for Exhaustion to roll off before they do their next pull, every pull. They’re not worried about how many times Combustion gets used.

Blizzard are worried that people would wait for every cooldown, not just Bloodlust or Time Warp.

Though obviously, Time Warp and similar abilities are the biggest worry since they have such a long cooldown.