Shadowlands is already on the verge of being terrible

The biggest, most exciting part of the new expansion, (in my opinion) is Torghast.

This is the system that is supposed to replace the awful Islands, warfronts, visions, etc.

A huge part of the fun when it was announced was the idea that players would be able to do this at their own pace. That means if you wanted to just sit and wait for your cooldowns all the time you could do that, though you’d have to spend more of your time on the game as the drawback.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, it’s more fun to offer multiple ways to complete something and give players the freedom to do it in the amount of time it best takes them.

Except players now will not have an unlimited amount of time because they added a soft enrage to function as a timer of sorts. To me that immediately takes away a huge aspect of the fun of Torghast and all the wind in my sails in terms of being excited about it is just gone.

I don’t understand why Blizzard thinks it’s necessary to add a timer. The hardest content in the game, Mythic Raids, isn’t even on a timer. If you want you can sit and wait for your CD’s for every single trash pull, and it isn’t a problem. Most people don’t do that, because they’d rather go fast and not spend that huge amount of time. (Imagine waiting for your CD’s for all the trash in BoD lol)

Let me know below whether you guys think I’m right or wrong and why. Thanks for reading.

EDIT: Victory comrades, we have achieved victory. Torments are no more.


I disagree with you but that’s because having a soft enrage doesn’t bother me. I understand the reasoning of why they’ve put one in.

If having any sort of timer ruins the idea of torghast for you then I’m sorry you feel let down. I hope you can still enjoy the expansion.


Some things change from BlizzCon panels, through development, until the product is released. Torghast is no different.

It’s only on the post-10th floors, and all the actual gains you’d be in Torghast for, will be on the floors before these torments kick in. You really lose nothing from a game play progression perspective.


I need to see it in action more… For the majority of players it will be a non issue.

First 10 floors won’t have the soft enrage iirc.


I’m struggling to remember what we had in Legion in terms of solo/casual content beyond emissaries and such. We had the mage tower for the latter half, so there’s that.

I feel like stepping out of the door with Torghast, as opposed to launching it midway into the expansion, is going to bite them in the butt. By the time the midway point of the expansion comes we’ll all be bored of Torghast, no matter how good it is, and we’ll want something new.


Meh, the soft timer does not bother me much…
But if they don’t nail down torghast and covenants this game will just become irrelevant…

This expansion will be the turning point for WoW which way it goes is totally up to them…


I agree. They clearly stated that Torghast would have no timers and would be designed to be played at the player’s pace so that they could explore, take their time, and have fun. Now it seems that in order to counteract the actions of a few, they are affecting the play of everyone.

I don’t care particularly if people feel it’s no big deal. If it is, indeed, no big deal - then why put Torment in at all? Why not let people play it the way they want to rather than put yet another form of timer into an activity? Y’know, player choice, that thing so many have said they want more of in this game.

And do people seriously think they will stop at that? If the testers think it’s fine, they will just keep adding things to speed up the pace and make it yet another esport playground, to the detriment of those who just wanted to play it for their own enjoyment.


from what i’ve seen the soft enrage looks forgiving it’s not a tight timer

though it’s probably better to just have things as an afk check, like a small pack of mobs that spawn on you if you dont engage in combat within x minutes

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The only reason to go past the 10th floor – where the torments actually kick in – is for a challenge and/or bragging rights. Nothing needed for legendaries (the gameplay reason for being in Torghast) is on those floors with the torments.

Someone wants a challenge? Taking their time and waiting for all their CDs before every pull is not a challenge. If someone is pushing past floor 10, they’re not doing it for exploration purposes.

I’d be more worried about the number of deaths allowed before the Terragrue comes looking for you.


Turning point from what? Bfa is the best expansion imo

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So then torghast is irrelevant and you get max rewards without any effort? I’d rather just have islands and infinity progression back.

Preach has the right idea: Torments are a waste of developer resource, regardless of how minor they are, because they’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken, and Blizzard should stop trying to control how we play if they don’t intend to give us in-client botting.


It was never announced as at your own pace before you get your panties in a knot about something that never happened

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I swear, casuals are trying to ruin wow. I am sick and tired of it. What happened to the competitive spirit? This ain’t Dora the explorer.

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If you don’t like islands, war fronts, and visions why would you even be hyped for torghast lol.

I find it funny that you, a 430~ ilvl druid with less then 7,000 achievement points, is whining about casuals despite being a casual yourself.

Earlier in this thread you claimed BFA is the best expansion they have ever made.

The timer is bad for hardcore and casual players alike. Hardcore players, timer or no, will still get through Torghast fastest and get the best rewards, so I don’t see any actual hardcore players having an issue with the timer being removed.

At this point I’m sure you’re a troll and should be ignored.


I can only assume it was at the same time that lfr and giving away epics for doing dailies came into play.

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Because Torghast looks nothing like them in alpha footage.

If you dont see a problem with it being removed then how is it bad for the hardcore player?

Do you even know what you’re saying or do you just type incoherent words?