Shadowlands is a Top 3 Expansion of WoW

Yeah, I think Legion was vastly overrated by people that were excited for things that were surface-level… Legion was the outbreak monkey of artifact power, but people liked that they got things like Ashbringer. I would put it in the bottom 4 with BFA SL and WoD.

Knowing Garmuck that other player was probably just a mirror.

Shadowlands is literally the only expansion ive actively disliked. I literally hate it. Once DF releases im going to pretend SL never happened. BFA was not great in anyway. I didnt like it very much. But i didnt dislike it. I played it and had fun. Legion was a masterpiece. My favorite xpac of all. And every one before legion i loved. Shadowlands should be removed completely from the game and should be retconned as a mass-nightmare everyone had at the same time.

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Alot of people, myself included would strongly disagree with that.

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…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

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Me too man. I hated the lore and story. I hated the characters and races. I hated the zones. Ardenweald was the only zone i thought was cool. I hate everything about the xpax. I had fun in WOD at least. I had to force myself to get my main to max level in SL and it was boring and unlikable.


Not to mention the many lost opportunities for story telling and showing us old characters. They didnt even let us see varyan or arthas.

Shadowlands is better than dragonflight.

I would legit rather replay wod for the next two expansions than play shadowlands anymore. Like on a scale of 1-10. WoD was worse pre shadowlands with a score of 4 and shadowlands is easily 0. Id almost say it’s negative points.

Nothing beats WoTLK, MoP, or Legion. Shadowlands is just as bad as WoD was and nobody can change my mind. Thank God this mess is ending. I hope Dragonflight delivers!

No, Shadowlands was godawful. Some people just have no taste.

I think players in general have complaints about current content, then reminisce when things are changed and look back and say, you know it actually wasnt that bad…

Case study… WOW Classic… if you look back to the days when Vanilla was live, TBC and Wolk… you can find plenty of players who had complaints and displeasure with the game at that time… but look back at the game and say, yea that was fun, and many of them are now playing classic.

The point is, YES!!! I beleive players are very harsh on current content. Its a cycle, and really a needless one… what other game does the player base have so much say in what the game becomes? I really can’t think of any that have been around or successful as WoW… I choose to experience the content and enjoy the storyline and product that the hundrads of WoW employees and worked hard to put out. Not saying they should be absolved of everything… if there is a legitimat issue (like the Server Snafu on Classic that made the game unplayable for 1000’s ) then yea hold them to the fire, but most everything else will come out in the wash and I bet that every expansion has a large group of people saying that it was the best…

I think whatever that has been said has been said already but SL is bad for three reasons:

There were too many permanent choices that weren’t easily changeable, i.e. everything about Covenants. You had to play the Covenent for your class/spec; unless of course different specs of your class had different Covenants they needed. Also swapping conduits to optimize for your different specs for raids/mythic+/rbgs/etc. cost you an Energy point which you got 1/day, and could only be done at your Covenants base. Even when we got to change back and forth, Renown was still a huge time gate you needed to build up to your new Covenant.

Speaking of traveling back and forth to your base, you also had to zone in and out of Oribos, which was the worst hub zone of any expansion. Say what you want about Garrisons, all the other hub zones had character, esp. Dalaran. Oribos was a bare bones hub world that had only what it needed gameplay wise. There were no wine shops, toy shops, gardens, wolves you can pet (Frostfire i’m looking at you), a pub where you can listen to the Elite Tauren Chieftains playing and by a bad from Harris Pilton, a Pandaren that makes funny jokes about character classes, and an inn with baths, a GIANT FRIGGIN AZTEC TEMPLE WITH FRIGGIN DINOSAURS, do I have to go on. Oribos was a lobby, that was it. And even after you get flying you STILL have to take a flight master to go to another zone. And all the zones had covuluted stuff you had to do to navigate to certain areas, the other no-flying expansions didn’t pull this crap.

The Maw. Enough Said. But to elaborate. No mounting. Tons of damage sponge mobs everywhere. Having to get tons of Lost Souls just to make your weekly and everyone else trying to get them, and the Persona 5 esque Wanted Meter that limited the time you could be in it which filled the most mobs you killed so you had to let the elate enemies beat on you rather than fight back because you might not have enough to do the Maw dailes.

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Funny to say when peiple completely avoid the entire zone when leveling new characters.

It definitely IS a Top 3 expansion …
Top 3 WORST expansions!

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That would be what you think doesn’t make any of it a fact. I just love thesis takes like these.

When you don’t refute anything, I’m sure you do love it. It’s easy to just say “nuhhh uhhhhh” and pretend you’ve said something of merit. It’s much harder to actually use facts and reason to construct an actual argument.

Top 3? No, it’s not better than wrath, mop, or legion. Will you accept 4th?

Sounds about the same as everything you’ve said. I mean just nuhhh uhhh me then.

If we were comparing expansions that felt like you bought it from Shadow lands would be the best lol.