The maw is full of em.
"WoW was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of its burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge’s name was good upon 'Change for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old WoW was as dead as a door-nail.”
I don’t see WoW as a ghost town, but that’s a pretty great music video.
Sociopaths kind of killed any form of passion I’ve had for WoW.
By definition shadowlands is full of ghosts.
I actually got the infinite timereaver last night, after doing timewalking since wod. Somebody said “gratz”. And somebody else, some alt that was doing less damage than me, said they were sure that “the worst player in this dungeon” was going to get it. Because I’m a 50 with low ilvl ie timewalking gear? What a jerk thing to say.
Maybe on your server cluster but mine is alive and very active
Everyone is at the Mage Tower, go there and see for yourself… TONS of players standing outside and 1 or 2 brutosaurs up at any given time
But yes, Oribos is absolutely a ghost-town, barely anyone there when I visit.
I doubt many people who were taking a break from WoW because they’d done everything they cared to do in 9.1 actually came back for 9.1.5. It wasn’t a content patch. Mage Tower isn’t new and just gives recolors. If things feel like a Ghost Town in the first couple months of 9.2, then there’s a problem.
(And that might happen tbh. Seems like more and more people are just waiting for 10.0 at this point)
The one character that I hit 60 on doesn’t get played anymore. I’m level locking all the alts I can at 49 and just running content I enjoy. There’s enough stuff in the game for me to ride out this disaster and never step into SL’s again. I see a fair amount of people in older content, so maybe there’s other people doing the same?
is saying wow is dead zoomerspeak for something?
, donot let then bc there bad , i say on u can do a stop on then bc were good
That makes perfect sense. Thanks for finally spelling this out clearly. Now we are educated.
, u say on then socalopash , GET JOB , can not say on u u aint allow to have fun in WOW game this a game of magics , of alot cool , and alot pepole like it the doom , elitsism , toxic , can go to jal we dont got tim for it can like a game if we wanna !
Every time I read posts like this, it makes me think they’re just on a crappy server cluster or something. If anything in SL could be described as “dead”, it’s the world zones themselves. But Oribos is always busy where I am.
The majority of realms are quiet now. Only a few still appear busy overall. Like, showing up at the Sha of Anger and he’s waiting for someone to get there because he’s bored.
Jokes aside, the game pop is super low ATM. Every week there’s more and more anecdotal evidence of less people playing. I’ve seen it first hand. I’d also wager that scraping sites like wowhead, realmpop, rio, armory etc, are all showing declined stats.
You might be insulated on a high pop realm but the reality is the higher pop your realm is, the less people there are playing the game. Basically you’ve got masses of people bailing on their dead servers and looking for the highest pop realm to transfer to. At this point Bizz could probably take down about half the servers and force transfer everyone with little impact on the remaining active servers.
Because you know this first hand, right?
Is this English?