Shadowlands In Canon

If you went to your local bar called the Dog’s Tail and someone is in there telling you they totally went to an alternate death dimension on Mars and there was a guy there called the Imprisoner and he was behind all of the bad things that have ever happened on Earth. Are you really going to just be like, alright I absolutely believe this word for word? Of course you would, the Imprisoner is real and we don’t stop his millennial long scheme he is going to destroy our world!!!

Anyway, let my character be dumb, they’re all just really really dumb.

Slightly related regarding dumb characters, I got kinda trapped in a conversation with someone about Elden Ring and they really really REALLY wanted to convince me the chaos ending is bad. I’m like, you can use all the reason and ORDER you want to try and explain why burning the world is bad but you underestimate how absolutely dumb all my characters are and it’s the game characte’rs fault for thinking they aren’t gonna screw it up.

I mean, I will argue that following the expansions allows for a universally coherent(?) or at least universally accepted thread for everyone to connect to in walk-up roleplay, but I also will argue that just because there was these world-ending events running a pain-train on Azeroth and her inhabitants doesn’t mean everyone was involved in every single event.

I would argue that, yes, a lot of people would know about the big, world-shaking events from a second- or third-hand perspective, be it adventures talking about what they’ve seen and where they’ve been, or veterans talking about the conflicts they served in, but actual ‘Story-Of-The-Expansion’ stuff?

That’s likely a group of less than a few hundred people, at best, who have been running around smiting Dragon Aspects and Old Gods and probably don’t go down to the bar trying to sway the swains with their heroic struggle against greased-up tentacle-monsters.

I do think it is important to have the expansions acknowledged, at least insofar as they happened.

The average adventurer/mercenary has likely heard of these things, but may have only ever engaged with the fringes of the ‘story’ of the Expansion. And players who want to say “Oh, no, I was in the thick of it. This happened.” are also justified with this method.

I do think it is very on-the-nose to claim you were the hero who kicked Argus in the cosmic conjunction or similar events, but I will argue that acknowledging that the events of the Expansion happened, and not outright dismissing other people’s stories, is important.

Sargeras showed up, large enough to rival the size of the Planet, and shoved Gorribal into Azeroth hard enough to wipe out Silithus, which likely caused earth-quakes and tsunamis around the world. He would have been easily visible to everybody in Kalimdor.

The floating fortress and symbol of the Twilight Hammer is visible from Ironforge mountain and Dun Morogh, as is the shattered dam that once kept the Wetlands from being completely flooded. The Barrens is still splint in twain by Deathwing’s efforts and Twilight Hammer Cults actively draw in thousands of Men, Elves and Dwarves in the Eastern Kingdoms, and it is unlikely all those people all died at the hands of the ‘Champion’.

Deathwing literally raided Stormwind, knocked down the statues, destroyed the Park District and melted parts of the front gate of Stormwind, and his blood is known to cause direct infection of Old God whispers, as well as being so toxic that wounds inflicted by it will not heal, if they don’t kill you outright. Even Alexstraza, one of the most potent and skilled wielders of Life Magic, is still scarred to this day by her brief tussle with the former Earth Warden on slopes of the Vermillion Redoubt.

Almost every Expansion has had massive incidents or accidents where large swathes of the civilian population has been exposed to cosmic horrors or cataclysmic battles with the Expansion Big Bad, or their servants.


Same. My old server had a lot of fun roleplay inspired by the Cata pre-patch. I hope to see another like it again.

Good take on common knowledge. This alt suspects Arthas is still alive due to the increased scourge activity.

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I used to be much more rigid on the subject of canon adherence before I was asked to take Shadowlands seriously. Now I don’t care about any of it. Go ahead and claim you’re the descendant of Cyborg Thrall from Warcraft 2099. Joy is fake and so is outrage.

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Pretty much where I’m at.

Pre-Shadowlands I was very much a “We must maintain the integrity of the setting!”

Now? Do what you want. Blizzard’s demonstrated they don’t care about the lore so why should I?