[Shadowlands] Heirlooms upgrades?

Ignoring the arguments about heirlooms (which are many).

I have a mix of heirlooms at various upgrade levels (60, 90, 100, and 110; none for 120).

Going into Shadowlands, looking at the beta and PTR, what (if any) are the upgrades? Are they all going to be 1-50 with a 51-60 upgrade? Or do they have various levels (25, 35, etc.)?

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Heirlooms scale up to level 49 currently on PTR.
0/4 is up to level 29
1/4 is up to level 34
2/4 is up to level 39
3/4 is up to level 44
4/4 is up to level 49

More special heirlooms that only scale 2/2 start at up to level 29, than jump to level 44 at 1/2 and 49 at 2/2.

Edit: A level 49 heirloom is item level 58.
Edit 2: A Normal Garrosh Heirloom is item level 59, a Heroic one item level 60, and a Mythic one item level 61.

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It will have the same kind of cross over character level does for the most part.

Like my 110 ones are 44 on the ptr. My ones at 100 are like 36. Etc…

Dang. They darn well better reduce the upgrade costs, then.

can garrosh heirlooms be upgraded now in shadowlands

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Doomwraith confirmed necromancer :laughing:


Yes :+1:


i tried to upgrade the axe but it wont let me, did u upgrade it lately? not sure what im doing wrong

did u upgrade that laytely? cause it wont let me upgrade the axe or sword

I did it the day 9.1.5 went live so November

My only guesses as to why a person wouldn’t be able to upgrade their heirlooms is they are trying to go from 1/3 to 3/3 without doing 2/3 first.

or you bought the armor upgrade item and not the weapon upgrade item :slight_smile:

If neither of those apply to you then ticket time :slight_smile:

its 0 of 0 and it wont let me upgrade to even lvl 1

i cant find anywhere it says we cant

lol i tried both weapon and armor ones

Have you purchased the correct one?

The order should be Weathered → Battle-Hardened → Eternal for Garrosh weapons since they start at a higher level

Tangent: it is interesting they went with a system like this instead of using an item upgrade NPC like we have for honor gear :thinking: nvm it makes sense now that I think about it. They could do it but it would be weird to drag a loom from the UI to the upgrade window.

yea i tried everything i could, what i did find was that it seems there is a problem witrh not being able to upgrade certain items now including pvp gear and stuff, it seems the problem has been ongoing and blizz hasnt fixed it yet. so thank you very very much for trying to help

and it finally worked, it seems if ya try enough it works rofl

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I try it too ,I think it has to do with class,I couldn’t upgrade a polearm. let me try it on another toon.

Nope,still doesn’t work.

Holly year necro and spam batman!!!