[Shadowlands] Guardian covenant functionality

Guardian druid class covenant ability functionality could use a quick look

Venthyr ability: Can’t be used in almost any raiding situation because it is extremely low reward (does less damage then all 3 other covenant abilities) and very high risk. ( if you miss a global you take up to 60% of max HP in damage and get stunned) which is not something any tank should be willing to risk.

Kyrian ability: Bonding to another tank or a healer both function well and are interesting. Bonding to a dps, I don’t get the math but the damage tuning on it is very low. 30% of the person’s damage is copied. (giving you 10% of that, of which it increases your damage by some amount based on the damage YOU are doing? Other then not making sense, it’s very under-tuned and i’ve bonded with top dps and someone just barely auto-ing and it doesn’t make a different for the damage the buff gives you.

Night fae ability: Pretty much fully functional and useful in many situations

Necrolord: This one is weird because its the highest damage and healing one in single target and most raid environments but it doesn’t affect your personal survival at all unless the healing bounces to you making it a worse choice then the others. Additionally the healing portion can be clicked off by any player to make it bounce back as a damage dot, making this the correct game play for a raid in most situations. Which seems awful to enforce over a whole raid.