Shadowlands Great Vault Ending Soon

i like it. Nice way to finish off transmog sets. Extra chance of getting a piece of needed gear. and at worse its an some gold for free. Also great for helping gear up alts. Being able to get normal+ gear on a character you only do LFR and farm on is nice.

It isnt a “much lower rate”. Bosses dropping like 1 less item isnt much lower. Even if it is lower, pre vault finding a good weapon wasnt really easier. Now we have 3 different raid modes, 3 different dungeon difficulties, one of which extends to higher and higer levels that you can run for loot infinitely. Imagije complaining about a system that tried to get you more loot on top of the 7 other options, not even including the crafting system coming in. This is such a bad take.

And no, this isnt mobile game gacha. Lol. Random chances at an item does not directly equal what a gacha system actually is.

I mean, that’s your opinion but they buffed CN loot for that exact reason.

You can talk to a skilled black smith and craft a mid range mythic raid equivalent weapon with stats you prefer. Guaranteed no vault tom foolery.

The SL great vault, I wasn’t a fan of. Not because it existed but because of how little loot you got especially if you ran more than 2 mythics. I would be less salty if when you did all 8 mythic runs, you got all three items instead of having to choose just one. And if you filled the requirements with pvp and raid bosses, you receive the gear that generated in each slot. I may be coming off as entitles but with how much time mythics and especially raid bosses could take, and the amount you had to do gif the last three slots, I just wish they offered more. I’m not asking for 10 pieces of gear each week. But give us something a bit more substantial than that. Please.

I’m wondering what’ll happen to the puzzling cartel dinar.

Would it turn in to a gray item? Or would we able to still purchase gear from the vendor in Orbis?

It would be kinda odd to remove them, the vendors are not going just the vault will, or did I misunderstood the announcement?

It will come back in DF just a different name

replying for warcraft logs

So if we do M+ this week we will still get items in great vault? How does that work since you can only get times every Tue after reset so 29 Nov.

Or no great vault great for this week?

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It never disappoints that every time someone uses the word ‘objectively’, they’re completely close-minded. “I’m right. I just am. Fact.” ugh, why are you even on the forums my guy.

My understanding is no new loot this week. Kinda misleading how it still shows we will get loot on next reset

Yea was hoping to get gear for my envoker did a few m+ saw the loot light up in great vault very confusing

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No rewards for doing stuff this week.

It is literally, objectively better than nothing (which is what existed prior to Legion).

Like, the existence of something that gives you loot is objectively better than the lack of that something.

Wording on the original post seems confusing to me. This week, I have an alt doing solo shuffle and the Great Vault is showing 2 options earned. Will these materialize into loot options for me or no?

really pisses me off you guys are keeping easily one of the worst features in SL.

No, it’s “literally” not. Something is not always better than nothing. Sometimes things are better before something is added and mucks it up. And “better” for who? Better for you? Better for the health of the game? You don’t even consider these things cause you’re so narrow-minded. Nothing existed prior to legion? So is the vault better than the loot system in vanilla? Most would say no it’s not, but I wouldn’t expect you to actually think beyond your own experience, so I don’t blame you there. Don’t be so close-minded in the future and learn to consider things from all perspectives. Something could come out tomorrow that would be “objectively” better than the vault and you’d still be standing there saying the vault was “objectively” better, because you can’t think. All you had to say was you like the vault and that’s perfectly fine, but as soon as you go around touting anything as objectively anything, you’re just inviting criticism - something you also aren’t used to getting, apparently. You’re a child lol

I’m not reading all that. Enjoy the rest of your day.

I think we’re all hamsters in some way.

Wether its farming for xmogs weekly, or mounts or whatever.