I’m always down for more options tbh. I get there’s always a “best”, but I really don’t like having to stick with the same exact talents the entire expansion (demo…havoc) which I’m sure is probably the case for most classes. Idk, but this is cool
I sort of like this. But I still want wotlk destro to come back. Chaosbolt was actually stronger in wrath since it could pierce through absorptions. Also, chaosbolt used the fire school, then shadow school then chaos.
I want to like demon hunter but you really need a third range spec. If they added the old 5.4 Demo lock spec to DH, i think DH will be the #1 class in the game.
I agree and would love this a lot. I mained DH this expansion because I neglected it most of legion and honestly, wanted to be a good mythic + class which worked out (yeah I get it, easy class meme) but I find it fun nonetheless.
Anyway, yes. I agree. Ranged spec for DH ftw
I think blizzard should just make the soul fire talent replace chaos bolt so it feels like it got rid of chaos damage. Id hate to see it on my bar playing fire.
so you’d start the channel/cast, and it would have basically stages for you to use as indicators of expenditure and damage?
I think he’s more suggesting that it just uses however many full shards you have at the time of casting à la Hand of Gul’dan.
ahhhh i see,
my only issue with that is how we treat havoc windows currently with shard prep, that could be problematic. an interesting idea nonetheless
Mop had chaosbolts. What are u talking about.
I personally think a scaling CB would be pretty baller if done correctly with appropriate tuning. It brings back the old mechanic of actually pooling embers for priority targets in a new way. You can launch a bolt at 2 shards or at 4 for a harder hitting bolt. Maybe as a counter it could take a little longer to cast the more shards you spend on it? This could be a unique way to control your damage output and putting your damage in the right spot. Sounds like it has potential to me lol. I wish they’d change up CB just a little…
heres a novel idea. Bring back soulburn. Soulburn chaosbolt for insta cast. Soulburn 1min cd, costs 1 soulshard.
Soulburn in Cata empowered your summons to be cast instantly, searing pain, demonic circle, soulfire, and drain life.
It feels like a pointless change the for the sake of change and basically boils down to a palette swap.
Chaos Bolt has no flavor anymore and may as well be soul Fire or Incinerate. It was cool when it could go through immunity but now it’s just a spell that locks you out of all schools if you get interrupted. Chaos damage means nothing.
I actually think this is the best compromise for CB, since they have trouble deciding what they want out of it and change things so drastically every expansion.
Remember WOTLK Chaosbolt? That had flavor and utility.
TBH just bring back Soulburn as it was. Soulburn: Demonic Circle was great, especially in pvp. An instant pet summon will be extremely valuable now that we’re apparently going back to SIX second summon cast times. Honestly don’t know why they ever got rid of it.
I wish CB hit h a r d, for such a long hard cast time, it doesn’t feel like it hits as hard as it should.
I remember the days when a CB could bypass iceblock and straight up murder a mage. Now its a long cast time for moderate damage.
I agree, Chaos Bolt isn’t what it once was, I consistently see other classes hitting harder, only time I get close or higher is during Grim Of Sup infernal windows.
Havoc. In Legion, Havoc was reworked from being charge based, with CB consuming all three charges of it, to being a timer with no limits (which is being buffed to 12 seconds in Shadowlands). As a result it’s now possible to duplicate 4+ Chaos Bolts in one Havoc window, if Chaos Bolt were to actually hit hard the spec to be completely overpowered in any situation where you can use Havoc and terrible otherwise.
I think Supremacy is part of the problem too. You can’t have a hard hitting Chaos Bolt outside of cooldowns, when you have this talent that increases Chaos Bolt damage by up to 160% during cooldowns, or more if you have Crashing Chaos traits. Thankfully it’s getting changed in SL, so perhaps we’ll see Chaos Bolt feeling a bit less like a wet noodle outside of cooldowns.
The glory days of a destro lock.