Shadowlands Final Report Card

C, just like every other Xpac for me lol

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I am gonna give the rest of this thread a D-.

That one poster, though. You get an A+++. Not gonna name names, but you know who you are.

Sure, I didn’t read it. But I feel like that stays with the theme of the OP. And not participating in the content you are grading.

Shadowlands sealed the deal on quitting retail. I will never prepurchase anything from blizzard again. I want to see the final product first.

Shadowlands and BFA both get “F’s” from me. I really hope DF improves retail. A 3rd really bad expansion would be terrible for retail and likely it’s downfall.

I was making a joke 

If you call one spec having 40% more damage than another (survival vs BM) then your and my ideas of “balanced” will never be the same. And this gap is WIDENED in a 15 due to how quickly surv can bring dish out damage

In a +15 ?

I’ve crushed Survival Hunters on overall in +15s. Stuff melts. Like the person who gets to the mobs first has the highest DPS.

Torghast is not new
 we had visions with rewards in BFA 
 Torghast is a big step down

Yes, I’m one of those.

I give it an A-. For the content I did, I really enjoyed pretty much everything. The art was excellent, as always. I always looked forward to logging in and always found something to do. To me, it was quite alt friendly.

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"In Soviet Russia, Shadowlands gives you an “F”. :wink:

If Shadowlands at release was more like Shadowlands now, I would have spent a lot more time in it - and had more fun.

The renown system killed all enthusiasm for me in the first few months after launch, especially considering I like to jump around on characters (I don’t have a main; I have whatever I feel like playing today).

I’m having fun now - with 2 months left in the expansion.

I loved those. It was a personal endgame for me to get the more difficult achievements.

That’s because you don’t know how to play Bm well. It’s easy to play but hard to master

Shadowlands will have been out for 2 years when DF releases and I wouldn’t exactly call it a mini-xpac either.
If 9.2.5 was 9.0 then Shadowlands would’ve been a lot better. (Maybe not storywise)

The people you “crushed” had no idea what they were doing. A surv can pull 30k+ overall in a 15 easy. And if they do everyone else’s damage meters will be really low. This is because generally surv can burst very quickly in addition to having high sustained AoE

You confuse the key difficulty and the player skill level

My BM sims for 18,000, while my surv sims for 29,000. As BM I have a 311 weapon and overall higher ilvl with good stats. Surv is still rocking a 298 weapon.

This is like asking applicants to have a master’s degree for a fast food job.

The people running the top 50% of keys are just “average.” somehow in this game if anything isn’t the absolute best it “sucks”. They’re just average nothing more nothing less.

Lol you say I lack comprehension yet then respond to someone else’s point. But I agree with them. And there is nothing to comprehend from half your posts. You seem to want this discussion easy and handed to you vs actually backing up what you say with logic

To respond to your misguided attribution to me the “so what” is that it winds up leaving people with keys they don’t want to run. Eventually with key groups the whole group has the same key nobody wants to run.

If keys weren’t tied to a specific dungeon or random then this wouldn’t be a problem.

I think Blizzard agrees as they’ve nerfed Upper and Lower quite a bit. This season i do not mind any dungeon, though I have. a couple favorites before you go accusing me and everyone else of wanting it easy.

However I cannot convince my friends to run an Upper. I have to pug those. This is a weakness in game design.

I started at the end of BFA and loved it. But all the restrictions and balance issues were a real slap in the face during S1. I had the unluck of my main spec dropping to the bottom of the M+ food chain. Suddenly people I had grouped with were very meta-focused and didn’t want me to play my main anymore

Raid loot drop rate being nerfed affected me a lot because I had a string of bad luck. Basically the game became very punishing with little feeling of reward. Everything felt very restrictive where at the end of BFA logging in felt like freedom. Logging into shadowlands felt like logging into Teams for work.

Now that things are less restrictive it feels better but I did have to make a meta toon and I don’t enjoy the spec. But hey I get to push IO! (In reality I’ve just been playing another game)

The grass is always greener.

If mobs live long enough for bomb procs.

Meanwhile, he’s running in with harpoon on CD, and fishing for bomb procs because he has 10 seconds on bomb cd, while I’m just casting a Careful Aim powered Aimed shot with Trick shot up and basically deleting the entire mob pack before he can do anything.

And you confuse player skill level with mobs living long enough to be able to do a meaningful rotation.

If my initial Death Chakram + Aimed Shot combo deletes the pack in 3 seconds, from 45 yards away, ain’t no one doing good dps but me on that pull.

No, this is exactly why I wrote this:

I do agree with you that MM is also an extremely bursty spec and has the advantage of being completely ranged, however surv loses what 
 10% damage if not at range? Most of the core rotation for surv IS ranged. Carve is mainly used to reduce the CD on wildfire bomb. So I stand by what I say, if a surv knows what they are doing they can pull extremely high numbers in a 15

However if they are competing with another bursty class then there is only so much damage to go around in a 15. Whoever is fastest will win, true

I’m guessing the survs you grouped with didn’t know how important positioning is for wildfire bombs though. Because during the travel time between packs is often enough time to begin the fight with 2 charges of wildfire bomb available

But it’s not really 3 seconds. Maybe the pack dies in 20 seconds. That’s still enough time for one wildfire bomb to reset naturally and a bunch of fishing

Edit: additionally in a sustained boss fight the surv will generally beat out MM. That fight is long, so it has a large effect on the overall numbers of the run

Surv is reliant on bombs. Outside of resetting the cooldown through Kill Command, it can have famine states. If those famine states are on packs that get deleted quickly, they won’t be top dog.

It is, that’s when Death Chakram’s explosive shot secondary effect triggers and about the time Aimed shot also hits.

I’ve deleted packs to 40% health with just a quick opener. the rest of the DPS can fight over the scraps of health left I guess.

That’s a thing people don’t understand about M+, there’s only a finite amount of damage to be done in the entire key. Every million damage you can steal from someone else is going to tank their damage and up yours.

FotM big pumpers only really start to count at high keys where everyone can have ramps and cooldowns on pretty much every pull.

I liked the concept of transition between different realms with the portals and the graphics and design associated with that. That was a pretty cool concept!

Also the Maw itself was a neat idea if it was actually hard. They had the opportunity to make this zone more like a dark soulsish zone that was kinda optional later on but it just got easier. Didn’t have to make certain things like dailies/weeklies hard but optional side stuff you can find.

Torghast was a really cool idea and it missed the mark imo on how that rogue-lite could have been. More optional side areas and some branching paths. However it was pretty challenging for me later on and the mechanics were involved enough I had to pay attention to what enemies did especially bosses. I had to look up some guides to speed things up and understand more but it was cool learning to progress and get better. The downside was just again in how it was designed. While there were many wings they felt a bit repetitive and pointless. Adamant vaults was a nice improvement on things and so was the boss guantlet. I don’t think this should be abandoned but perhaps learned from and expanded on in the future somehow in some way.

Forced linear questing and locked zones kind of suck. Many many games these days allow you to explore and also focus on the campaign when you want. The missed potential here is in that it misses the mark for completionists and explorers that like to go around and do side activities and max things out perhaps even before they do the campaign. That way by the time they do the campaign they might outgear it and blast through it but some people love that. And the option to come back to it when you want is nice. This is one thing Elder Scrolls Online excels masterfully at and it feels great. From level 1 to 50 you just do what you want and explore and it is awesome. I know this isn’t Elder Scrolls but it could be for sure learned from.

Dungeons and raids were pretty good this expansion. I guess the experiments with borrowed power in SoD upset people but lesson learned I hope. The bosses though were really awesome I loved Sylvanas’ fight, a lot of fights in Castle Nathria, and several in Sepulcher. The experiment in Mythic plus at the end might prove to be a great move for dungeons each season we do for a 2 year period instead of merely the same for that period, although I think current expansion dungeons should be a thing every season as part of that theme (for two reasons, one to help players like me get into it and push keys over several expansions, and because it makes sense to keep at least 1/2 in expansion dungeons each season).

The covenants was a cool concept but it backfired hard mostly cause it was tied too much to player power. Everything in WoW is min/max’d hard to the point of absurdity. If mechanics can just be dps’d past they will, or skipped via exploit or whatever. The multiple trees, covenant legendaries, and conduits were a neat concept but imo it was too much overall. We argued for choice and agency and we got it but I guess the way it was delivered as so fractured made it kind of clunky and awkward. Perhaps if this was an ARPG like Diablo it would have been fine, but in an mmo with so much time invested it I guess felt punishing.

Tons of legendaries was neat and experimenting with their powers in Torghast and seeing what our classes could do when ultimately maxed out was awesome.

Class design felt limited due to 3 expansions of borrowed power but that’s just my opinion I guess. I like we’re at least on a different system for player power in DF.

Story was kind of cookie cutter we unite ultimately to fight the big bad that was set up since the beginning. The ending of expansions of story to tie it all up I guess at least frees us up from the repetition of Legion or something going mad somewhere underhandly working to undo everything.

If you have always felt this was a mediocre game, why do you keep playing?

I think you took my comment as “I don’t like wow” when that isn’t what I was saying, only that all xpacs are equal to me. I could have given the xpac any grade but whatever grade it was it would be the grade for all xpacs. Since all xpacs are equal to me (there’s things I like and things I don’t) I usually go with C :slight_smile:

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True, but in a smaller key there is also more overall downtime where the bombs reset naturally on their own. This is because walking speed is not changed between key levels.

Survival can do this too, easily.

Doesn’t the explosive shot take 3 seconds to even happen, though? Are you LITERALLY saying 3 seconds or are you using “3 seconds” more as a saying? also the physical damage buff of Death Chakram last 10 seconds. 3 seconds is the time to enter 2-3 commands depending on your haste.

I understand this perfectly well. And also that having a balance of damage portfolios can make the key go faster so that the high-health mobs die quick. Usually people on the forums are much more savvy than you seem to believe.

Again yes, but since surv damage is available so quickly if one knows what they are doing they can bring that instant damage, too. And surv has better sustain. That being said I think MM is in a really strong place right now and the instant burst/AOE capabilities are quite strong.

Survival is just broken