Shadowlands Developer Update

i love to see the changes to the game you guys are making but id like to see another change made and its to pvp. you used to get a box at the end of an arena that gave gold and other random items. id like to see that again because you get repair cost and that adds up for someone who only ques arena. maybe toss some 226 upgrades to conduits in there as well for some catch up for your pvp players.

Probably the fact casuals barely have time to play a main. Alt experience means nothing when you still can’t experience the content.

It’s definitely a huge concern and has me seriously worried that this isn’t a long term adjustment in their game development but rather just basically doing whatever they can to save an expansion.

We won’t really know til 10.0 but I’m more than a little bit worried that when 10.0 rolls around We will be dealing with the development team back to being more concerned about metrics and profit than just producing a fun game.


This is just untrue. I had no freaking clue why we were all buddy buddy with Uther all of a sudden until I switched my priest covenant for the third time and had to go through the Kyrian covenant story. Why is the story in 4 parts? Why would I need to unlock the same content 4 times to see the whole picture? Why would I have to commit so much of my time to understand what is going on?

This might actually be the worst way to tell a story. Each part of the story costs months of character progression and a grind of the same thing to get back to where I started?

This is not a QoL improvement, this is something that should have never been necessary for the player to do.


Oh, I mean i’d agree that these changes don’t even scratch the SURFACE on “alt friendliness” that these clowns said they’d have. Meanwhile I’m a bit more hardcore and hardly can do one main, (alt LEWL) looking at you chorethia, choreghast, chorementors of choreghast, choresaults, chores galore. /spit nuff said XD


This post of changes was written back in December on launch I bet… Pulling the Ripcord was planned early. I am not giving you any sort of glory or credit because you knew you should’ve done this way way way earlier. Do better to your customers and stop jerking off the top 1% of MDI/Mythic World First people trying to restrict them only to duck everyone else over.


Please make Nathria weapons in the sanctums buyable with anima instead of drop tokens.

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Can we PLEASE get the anima cap removed ASAP in prep for 9.1.5?? That cap is absolutely pointless.

And also a way to collect grateful offerings faster?


A few things:

  • First and foremost, thank you. It’s nice that you’re implementing changes we’ve wanted since before go live of Shadowlands.
  • Second: Stop making excuses for the choices you made. They were bad. Own it.
  • Third: Keep it up. Overtures like this go a long way. This is why company training on ethics is so important, because you are the face of the company. Once that trust and positive reputation is lost, it’s hard to get back. This is a good first step. It’s hard being the new ones in charge after the old guard effed up things so badly.
  • Last: Don’t get comfortable. For the aforementioned reason, you have a hill to climb. Start actively listening on a regular basis. Pay someone to really parse through even the harsher responses here and find the ideas that need to be reviewed and debated as a team.

I look forward to what Warcraft can become again.


This + Kor account-wide rep + (-Townsend)

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Oops, I think I didn’t word the question the best. I meant if I switch back are all the features reset.

Thank you for the response :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It is not unfortunately. They haven’t learned anything yet.

If any of the top developers read this: People will never like you if you act like rockstars. The Final Fantasy 14 community loves their developers because they do care for their customers. You’re sitting on the most well known MMO worldwide and screwed it up.

Instead actually getting help from the people (Steamworks for WoW/Blizzard) for fan quests, fan transmogs and everything what the people love so you have more resources in actually working on the current expansion, you constantly ignored every problem at hand.

You reap what you sow.


What does ‘high renown threshold’ actually mean? Is it 40, which most people should have, or are you going to be absurd and set it to 80?


We usually get to pay to play something mildly enjoyable for the majority of an expansion, and then finally play a version we wanted from the start, very briefly…
It only makes sense to string your customers along dangling hope for something better, from a business standpoint.

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Also old shadowform glyphs/barbershop options plz :^)

Sounds good!
Now if you make M+, Raids and Rated BGs cross-faction Shadowlands will be great.

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That’s not actually true, though. You could have placed a time-based cooldown on it or required progression up to a certain point in the campaign story before switching and you could have done it six months ago. There was no reason to leave it as is for a whole year other than stubborn pride. Whoever is telling you to tell us this isn’t being honest with you and may not even be honest with themselves.


When swapping to a different Covenant, will our renown transfer over with us? Meaning that currently I am renown 64 with Necrolord and I want to try Nightfae for whatever reason, will I be a 64 Nightfae Warrior or will I have to level up renown in that? I have completed every Covenant campaign but I have not once tried Nightfae on the warrior.

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Please don’t forget the vile fumigator mask transmog.
That would complete my 9.1.5 wishlist.

I’d pay big bucks to have that.

Hell, I’d even buy Activision stock for it.

I’d sub for 5 years too.


Not enough to fix the game.
Torghast is forced and so boring. I don’t want to do Torghast twice a week for every character.
Daily is so boring.
PVP is one-shoting.
Fix those as well.