Shadowlands Developer Update

I will not give you a pass on making us wait 1 year after an expansion’s launch to fix the bad designs we pointed out in beta.

These changes are GREAT, but they should have been in at launch. I hope to God you take this new approach with 10.0 launch.

Also, please remove renown requirements for upgrading PvP gear.


Exactly it’s not hard just not what I want to do with my time lol

Any chance of revamping/replacing some of the 0% pick rate talents that a lot of classes have?

Maybe you’ll take feedback more seriously in the future. Who am I kidding, no you won’t. Same song and dance we’ve been seeing for a while now. Anyway, stuff these changes. Too little too late. Pull your heads out during the next Beta.

A year for this.


Hope this is the beginning of a better dev<->player relationship and not just a meaningless reaction to be forgotten.

We want a better WOW, is never too late

Is it enough? No, it’s not.

Is it a start? Yes, it is. And while it’s extremely frustrating it’s taken them so long to do this, at the very least they have changed it before 9.3, which is honestly when I expected some of these changes, if at all.

There’s still many problems, but hold on to this line of thinking, Blizz. And use it for 10.0.


It’s too late for these changes to save shadowlands. It’s a dead expansion with systems that are so flawed that the game would be better off just deleting them. It also doesn’t help that the devs are so arrogant that they refused to make any changes until their ideas drove away half the playerbase and permanently killed the game’s reputation.

Why would anyone want to come back? You’re just going to introduce yet another grind-based, time-gated borrowed power system every single patch and expansion with unanimous negative feedback which will be ignored. That’s not even getting into the issue of how the devs are now incentivized to introduce systems similar to legendary crafting which are designed to sell tokens, making players waste hundreds of thousands of gold per character every single patch.


Uncap aoe in legacy content including legion timewalking m+. Classes are going to be so much weirder than back then.

Also how will key management be a thing? Just let us select the difficulty at the podium, and if we can or cannot run it then so be it.

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Currently, yes it all resets, except a handful of the mission table guys that aren’t covenant specific. All your stuff is saved though, so if you swap back, that progress is still there.

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Will this also be possible with the Chains of Domination quest chain for alts? Since the alts can’t reach current renown level until they complete this campaign.

I think you’re absolutely right. The new two heads of the company already have a different approach, as one of them is a game design lead, and one of them a gamer themselves. That being said, it’s also possible to the current exodus to an unnamed game — but I think they go hand in hand.

What about the anima reservoir? Any chance it’ll be shared between covenants?

Also, can we get Goblin Monks, pretty please!

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Great changes announced so far, it’s almost a xmas wish list. One thing I’d like added is looking at the random conduit upgrade things. It feels so bad to go out into the world to maybe get one, maybe not. It feels like there is an internal cooldown on how fast you get them, but since I don’t know it’s this vibe of “is it even worth trying to farm it? Should I be waiting until tomorrow to do this?”

This is legit caving to hardcore while casual continues to be ignored. Walking out on this :clown_face: company.

I’m happy yall are finally making these changes but it’s going to be too little too late for Shadowlands. Not only did you not listen but you drove many of your players to your competition and that’s going to have long term consequences.

Ultimately I’m not interested in these changes, I’m interested in the 10.0 ones. Is this a change in long term development moving forward or is this just the development team trying to do whatever it can to save an expansion?

If this is a change away from bottom line and profit driving development I can get on board. If this is more just a mad scramble to save face and then it’s back to the same ole metrics/profit design then I could care less.


what about these changes doesn’t also cater to casual wtf? lewl


Yep. It tells me Ion hasn’t learned a damned thing. Arrogance continued.


9.1.5 changes look like good steps in the right direction! Only thing I am hoping to see sooner than later would be some QoL changes to Legion raid mechanics for solo players so people have more collection content to do during downtime.

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Are you even playing Shadowlands? Just a day ago, I did Nighthold mythic for tmog run. You take no damage at all and deal a lot to the bosses. We did Tomb of Sargeras in 9.0.5, it’s 9.1 already, sorry but if you can’t then you’re just bad or idk