Shadowlands delayed

Hey at least I’m not a vulpera rogue named Kuwu whose guild is called Yiff. I can be a furry without being weird.


But you are already weird because you think you are fooling people when you are not. I have everyone fooled quite easily because people are frankly not intelligent enough to look past the surface. I joined this guild not because I am a furry, but because it was amusing to me. The Vulpera race I liked from the campaign and I unlock all the races even if I don’t really like them, such as the mechagnomes.

pets the foxes head who’s a good little fox?


That’s not being weird that’s me being stupid. :crazy_face:

And you call me weird.

And being in a guild doesnt make it mine. I’m just in it cause I had no guild, it amused me AND a player invited me that I met online. They are far more chill and friendly than most other guilds. I hate joining a guild to find its full of incel types who are racist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted. That’s happened too often.

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This I can agree on.

How are ERP guilds chill?

Yes. I had a dream where Varian was drinking wine with Garrosh nearby a camera man who was taking pictures of Tyrande hugging Sylvanas for an adult magazine.

And I heard Varian said it was delayed.

You think just cause its named YIFF that’s instantly what goes on? I’ve seen zero people doing ERP or anything perverted unless they are doing it in tells. Meanwhile there’s all kind of sickos in Goldshire right in the open…Did it ever occur to you the guildmaster named the guild yiff as a joke? Do you take every single guild name literally? You sound awfully silly if you do cause I’ve seen some messed up and weird guild names.

And what do you mean “hows it chill” Seriously? What about that statement was confusing? I mean I dont see any bigots in it, don’t see people insulting each other or screaming about “you’re trash cause your DPS/healing/tanking isnt 100 perfect.”

What dilemma is there that you speak of? Blizzard posted the pre-patch warning a week ago. Unless an announcement isn’t made this week, October 6th has been looking like the release date for weeks at least from my own observations. Everything’s right on track.

I never once thought that they would release the pre-patch in the middle of the reputation buff, Brewfest and time walking dungeon event on the 29th.

All realm connections were scheduled until 4pm. They didn’t take that long though. Mine was only down for maybe an hour.

I’m saying they have enough time scheduled tomorrow to fix any remaining issues with Khadgar, if they need the time.

Wasn’t bc delayed after announcing date?

It could be delayed.

WC3 reforged was delayed after they announced a release date. They can do that as long as they offer refunds.

Additionally, although they indicated a release date provisionally they gave themselves until December 31st 2020

Over 10 years ago?

I’d rather be stuck in a 2 month long prepatch than just treading water at the end of BfA for another quarter. It’s getting old.


I mean, how many people are really going to ask for a refund? People will play regardless.

Wouldn’t all the promotional stuff change? It wouldn’t say October 26/27.

I told his Mom first.

Probably not until they officially announce it.

Cyberpunk 2077 changed their stuff constantly and were pretty vocal about it.

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