Shadowlands Content Update Notes

I would assume so. There are a lot of mounts that drop in game that can be found on the BMAH already.


Yes, there are currently quite a few mounts on the BMAH that are still farmable from their original sources.


I remember this being the case pretty much when I first started playing during Vanilla.

There is a reason I typically avoid going beast mastery on my hunters or demonology on my warlocks. I don’t enjoy my pets or minions being my main source of damage leaving me a lot more vulnerable and defenseless. I prefer marksmanship on my hunters and affliction on my locks. If my pets or minions die, I can still do a lot of damage and it isn’t sure death. I’m not so dependent on those pets or minions.

When I first read the change to the summon time, my reaction was the same as those in this thread so far. But after thinking about it, it does kind of makes sense. At low levels on my warlock I could easily just quickly resummon my minion instead of waiting for it to be healed. Coming from a warlock main, but being fair about it, I can see the reason for the change.


I’m in pain.


The spirit beast nerf is bullcrap. At least buff our healing.

Bad enough you nerfed our ress time.


It’s because there are gold communities that have large amounts of excess gold on very quiet/dead servers and will help people obtain t3 sets/tabards/toys/mogs/mounts for cheap after you pay them a finders fee.

Here’s how it works

  1. I want X item.
  2. They ‘find’ X item on a dead realm, you pay them a bidding fee+finders fee on your realm, let’s say 50k Finders fee for a pair of boots and 100k for bidding.
  3. You create a trial character/level 1 on the said dead server with the piece you want(T3 doesn’t require level 60 to add to tmog), they trade you 100k and port you to the BMAH.
  4. You bin mid, if you win bid for min, you give them 90k gold back and they give you back 90k on your server and keep your finders fee. If you aren’t successful (go over bid cap) they give you full finders fee and bidding gold back on the server.

It’s a really great service.

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This has been here since day 1 alpha the rage has gone out the window because it got hidden behind other issues lol.

Essences. Why???

Why are you making essences unattainable. Just make them inactive like any other old set/legandary. Allow players to play the game at their own pace and enjoy it instead of making people rush thou content and relaying on the RNG gods for a drop


It’s weird how Glads can use their “titles and mounts achievements on all chars”

Meanwhile I can’t use my lvl 60 achievements pvp titles or conqueror title on mine


I was really scared about the potential of having fun if my frozen orb managed to hit 9 targets, thanks for making sure that I don’t have to worry about that Blizz!

If people want to stack up in bgs why shouldn’t I have options in my toolkit to disincentive it?


I thought that we had more time for all the other rank 4 essences besides Hertz Locker! I’m a little sad…

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I’m so confused about the Death Rising – Limited Time Event in prepatch. Is it on the 13th or later on?




Welcome to vanilla reboot.

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I like how you Complain about a game that you have VERY little done in the game honestly only 5575 achivements done like dont complain and go play another game if you dont like WoW in general… Petty


2012 called. Its wants its achievement score shamming back. :roll_eyes:


Why is there a need to release the zombie patch separately

Yeah, you were right to think that. I checked their announcement about how these things would be handled:

What they said was this:

What they had communicated was that only certain Rank 4 essences were going to be unobtainable after the pre-patch hit, due to the underlying criteria no longer being available to complete in the game (i.e. like Hertz Locker, which they identified specifically in the post, or hitting 2400 in Rated PvP for the season as another example). They also said:

So they explicitly indicated that the blanket removal was tied with Shadowlands launch, not pre-patch there. If they’re removing ALL Rank 4 Essences during the pre-patch period, rather than when Shadowlands itself launches, that’s a change in plans being dropped at the last second.

I’m not convinced they’re going away just based on the pre-patch notes, because even though I don’t know any example off the top of my head, I would bet it’s not the first time a set of pre-patch notes happened to include some description of a change actually coming with the upcoming expansion launch.

Also, as muddled as their communication has been on the topic, the only time they seemed to put effort into communicating about it was in that “time runs short” announcement where they parsed out that some were going away during pre-patch but most were staying until Shadowlands launch. It would be weird of them to specifically think through what was staying and going at what time, then later, at the very last minute, decide, “nah, let’s just blanket remove all of them without letting players know till the week before.”

It would be nice if Blizzard could make a quick clarification about the timing of this, but I suppose we’ll find out one way or the other next week if they don’t.


You know it’s a violation of the forum rules to shame people like that right?


Well, they are succeeding. My sub ends at the end of the year and I have absolutely no intention of resubbing.