Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

I agree with everything you say. My point is I’d rather have the tiny minority of cutting edge mythic raiders angry than basically the majority of shadow priest players. If I had to choose and clearly blizzard doesn’t.

Not entirely. Haste scales sw:p, which increases the ticks and thus more chances for crits, which increases the value of crit by association, plus spawns more spirits

Chorus only played into the issue and made it worse by giving haste and crit even more interaction with eachother

exactly, so remove haste ramp up.


It might make for stupidly simple gameplay, but I’d be fine with Voidform if 7 things happened.

1.) Insanity renamed to Sanity. 200 is the max stored now.
2.) Voidform lasts exactly 20 seconds. No more, no less. 3 Min. Cooldown. Costs 100 Sanity to use.
3.) Shadow Crash has a six second cooldown. Costs X Sanity to cast.
4.) Devouring Plague has a twelve second cooldown. Costs X Sanity to cast.
5.) Reduction on Silence to 24 Seconds. Cost is now 15 Sanity. (Comparable to Mages and Warlocks)
6.) Some ability that costs 75 Sanity, but super-charges Mind Sear to spread your DoTs to 4 other targets. (Comparable to Seed of Corruption, and our old Legendary, the Twins Painful Touch)
7.) Shadow Tendrils: Spawn a Tentacle that casts Mind Flay. Costs 50 Sanity to conjure.

Do those 7 things and I think Shadow Priest would be a lot more fun and better. You still have the frantic nature as you’ll want to drop sanity as fast as you can, but now we’d be front loaded rather than the ramp-up bullcrap. Additionally our Mastery could be tweaked so that if we have low sanity, our DoTs deal more damage.

Our focus and niche would be to spawn tentacles and Devouring Plague things, rather than to fight within a clunky system. During AoEs, our goal would be to spread DoTs and throw Shadow Crashes in between Mind Flays. Void Bolt would become a baseline Insanity builder the same as Mind Flay in this sense, and I think that’s the best of both worlds.

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I’d say just go back to Shadow Orbs then make Void Form a max talent tier choice that when picked, costs 5 shadow orbs to go into and last a short duration for quick burst with void bolt spam and other things picked up in talents.

It basically acts like demonic from Demon Hunters.

Then that opes choices / options to other playstyles for Shadow Priests that like the old way of playing pre-Legion or open up new ideas to play.


They won’t do that. That would involve the person who designed Voidform, admitting they got it wrong. They don’t have the humility in Activision to take that step. It would be great for the communication with their players, but they have Targaryen syndrome.

They cannot fathom that they might be wrong.


Well, its not getting rid of it. Just moving it to a talent CHOICE.

Surely Blizz can meet us half w…

Ah good point… nvm lol.


They need to nix the travel time and update the effect. But 6 sec? That’s pretty low.

No it’s not comparable. If you are asking for an interrupt sure. But silence and interrupts aren’t the same.

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Fair points Motrin. I’d be fine with Silence becoming ‘a’ interrupt, because that’s one of our biggest problems in PVP. Unlike other classes, we basically have to sit there and take it or run away. That’s why we have Dispersion I believe. It also makes any sort of interrupt rotation in PVE very difficult.

Admittedly it’s not our chief concern, but it is ‘a’ concern, I mention simply because all I ever ask for on Shadow is parity and equality with the other classes. Blizzard has a hang-up on equality or equal treatment in general I guess. Maybe a 12 second Cooldown on Shadow Crash would be better. The idea behind it, as I was thinking was mostly that it could be a spammable tool we use to bolster our AoE.

It might be overkill, but then again we’re overkill every expansion or just a pile of trash. Just once I’d kill to be average in all regards. Not asking to break DPS records, but just be a steady and solid play. Legion and Voidform eliminated that.

you would think that right but actually you can get CCed in Dispersion so its trash. unless you pick the talent its useless and if you do pick the talent you lose your only mobility.

that’s why the talent should be baseline and we should get cc immunity. We would still be silenced and can get damaged but we would have a heal with a proper escape. It’s not op because all classes have mobility spells so if they want you dead they will hunt you down.


Reason number #29928 on why Insanity decay during CC is bulls—.

And yes I’m aware Dispersion halts it. Should be baseline across the board.


But then VF wouldnt serve any purpose

Agree with most of the points/suggestions provided here. As a Holy priest, I am focused more on the lack of any utility changes there. Ridiculous to see the tool kits all other healers have. Why bring a Holy Priest into any M+? Just bringing a handicap.

Suggestion for this thread if possible. Track blizzard feedback given to other class forums and just visually show the disparity in the OP.

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That is ultimately the goal. To document on this Alpha / Beta cycle exactly how much other Blues talk to other classes, and disregard Priests. That way when they inevitably send Watcher out as their point-man to say something like: “It’s something we’d like to do, but we simply didn’t have enough time…” Or… “Really we think Voidform achieves what it’s supposed to. Players like it, and we got positive feedback on it.”

We can look at the statements and recognize them for what they really are.

And if you really think I ‘like’ having to play hall-monitor, I don’t. I would much rather play the game on my Shadow Priest, and not have to deal with this crap. But the situation and attempts to attack the players of a specific class with hostile design measures (same as they made Warlocks endure in WoD because of Xelnath); I can’t do anything else.


To my understanding, the person who designed Voidform left the WoW team at the launch of Legion. They designed it, dropped it on the rest of the team, and walked away.

For some reason the rest of the team still won’t revert though… to save face?
But their face can’t be more tarnished than their public image has been by neglecting the problem.


i don’t really do high end content as Holy but it is my chose of healing spec and i do heroic warfront and random bgs on it sometimes.

I would really like to have 2 pvp spells baseline. Holy Word: Concentration and Holy Ward. I don’t know if they would help with utility but both spells helped me be able to stay stationary to caste my heals.

Also I really think they need to rework the Afterlife talent because its just stupid. You only get the value form it if you die. Make it a self-rezz, so you don’t turn into spirit but rather rezzed back at %50 both health and mana.

What would you suggest?

You’re making up your own conclusions based on literally no substantial evidence whatsoever.

  1. Where’s your source that the ‘sole person’ (I can guarantee you it’s not ‘one person’, or else you’ve never been a part of a development team before) left WoW at the launch of Legion? Who is this person?
  2. Do you…honestly think that this ‘sole person’ was the sole knowledge holder regarding how Voidform functions? Because that’s not how it works. Like, at all.
  3. Do you think that Voidform was just dumped into the world without extensive testing prior to the launch of Legion? Do you have literally any idea how game development, much less software development works? Have ever heard of the term ‘Agile’ in the context of software development, ever?
  4. How did you come to your own non-conclusion based on a scenario that has no evidence to even back it up to begin with?? “I think this guy made Voidform and left” --> “Blizzard is obviously keeping Voidform to save face.” There’s nothing to support the former statement, but you still made a conclusion based off of it and treat it like a fact.

Hey guys can anyone link the article/video where Ion says that they will rework shadow priest in Shadowlands. I saw the video where he says major changes will not take place in the middle of an expansion and he specifically mentioned 3 classes (warrior, shaman,and paladin) but he never mentioned shadow priests.

If he did mention specifically shadow priest as a spec they are looking at to rework then it’s unethical for them not to provide the service they promised. A business being unethical is a serious matter hence why I been looking for the article/video where they specifically mention shadow priest to actually have receipt of them mentioning shadow priest.

Most pointless and wrong statement i have ever seen. And ive been to mmo-c forums.

I am really curious to see the list of what legendary effects we will be able to put on our gear. Blizz has said that they will be previous tier set bonuses and such, so those have the potential to make things not so sh1tty.