Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

Well shadow had a change so you can no longer say 59 days with no changes or info :stuck_out_tongue:

what change?

You mean boon of ascendance generating 12 insanity that’s not a change at all :sweat_smile:. boon of ascendance replaces mindflay on your spell bar which generates 12 insanity already so no its not a change.

this just shows that they actually didn’t look into shadow at all. the fact that they created a spell that generates no insanity and replaces an insanity generator shows how out of touch they are with the spec. Oh and by the way boon of ascendance nullifies Voidbolt rank 2 which allows you to cast voidbolt while channeling Mindflay.

This just shows that the Devs did not look into the spec and put the bare minimum effort into it.


well technically it IS a change haha

I still think they are doing a rework. but going on that they are still staying with the insanity mode

well yes it IS technically a change but nothing notable and we are not here trying to argue semantics.

I personally think they didn’t actually look into these covenant spells and just realized how boon of ascendance hinders the spec.

the change does not progress the spec. it changes nothing to the gameplay and does not address the abundances of problems and issues plaguing the spec.

I truly hope you are right and a rework is on the way but from the half-assed work they put into class balancing this expansion I highly doubt it. however the change does show that they are looking at shadow so…I guess we gonna have to play the waiting game.

Have you all seen the recent blue posts in the Alpha class forums?


Priest… nope lol

I am really starting to think we are going to get MAJOR changes and so its still being developed/thought about.

Or i’m done with this game lol.


At this point I’m just gonna try and keep hope. Maybe one day priests will get a blue post with good news :slight_smile:

edit: lol

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This thought is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I keep thinking they’re doing something big with shadow which is why they’ve been so quiet about it but I’ll probably be disappointed

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I’m sure they’ll bring some big changes for shadow, but I’m a little worried about disc and holy, as those two specs really need some love, but it seems that most players have been more vocal about shadow. Hopefully they will bring some nice changes to all the specs and not just one of them.

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You are insanity capped and should enter voidform immediately. Major changes are not coming. Be prepared for minor tweaks and a maybe in 9.1 announcement.


LOL new on wowhead, upcoming changes for warlock, dk, mage and shaman. Some of them like warlock and shaman being quite significant changes, and all them “based on your feedback” …


I confess I’ve been trying to headcanon my priest as a Void Cultist since Cataclysm. I loved the Old Gods theme when Yogg Saron fired up in Ulduar. I hastily made this priest and pushed to level him up. Yogg actually got me into HP Lovecraft.

I also confess that I hate the mechanics of Voidform. 2 changes that would clean up the spec with minimal effort that could leave us ready for Shadowlands are:

  1. Make Void Bolt castable outside Voidform. It would smooth out both our damage and our ramp up time. We have to be balanced around high stacks of Voidform, so why not make our pre-height be less miserable?

  2. Change Voidform into a set-duration buff. Void Eruption gives us a buff, Void’s Presence, that gives a flat 5% haste buff. Each stack has its own timer so you can’t stack it up infinitely. You can reach each Void Eruption more quickly than the last, and gradually stack Void’s Presence for a haste buff, but it’s far harder to push to high numbers. Now we aren’t a scaling nightmare for balance.

And then scrap this mechanic entirely for something new come 10.0.

no…voidform needs to go now, not in 2 years


after a couple weeks of feedback from mages/locks/shaman/dks those classes are starting to see changes…APPARENTLY OUR 4 YEARS OF FEEDBACK ISNT ENOUGH


They are 100% trolling at this point.


Shadow orbs, not 2 years from now when they finally cave; I want shadow orbs in Shadowlands.

Sigh… it isn’t going to happen is it?

They realized their mistake of ruining enhancement in legion, now they’re reverting it back to how it was in WoD they need to do the same to spriest.


Voidform should have been removed two years ago, as soon as the artifact was gone voidform should have gone with it.


They have to be working on something…the question is how far of a rework are they working on? is it just making a couple of talents baseline and call it a day? (cause that won’t fix the spec maybe help it…sure fix it nah) .

I’m more worried about the quality of changes coming. it seems that they are listening to feedback from the other class as they are addressing even minor issues. Hopefully void form is gone but i won’t hold my breath.



What you’re suggesting is frankly incredibly short-sighted game design to suggest that hundreds upon hundreds of hours creating the current iteration of Shadow Priest should be flushed down the toilet because an echo chamber says so instead of just refining and fixing what’s already there.

If you think the solution is as easy as “Go back to [previous Shadow Priest iteration]”, then, to be even more frank, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not from a balance standpoint, and certainly not from a spec longevity standpoint. Going back to any previous iteration is, essentially, going to be creating that iteration from scratch. Spells, talents, and mechanics would all need to be put in place right now to be tested right now to even remotely have a chance of making it in by now.

You really have three choices at this point:

  1. Keep playing Shadow Priest and accept whatever changes come for Shadowlands
  2. Play a different spec
  3. Stop playing

Don’t take the bait guys.


Disagreeing with someone and giving my arguments for why I disagree isn’t a bait. You could actually argue my points instead of completely side-stepping them.

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