Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

…To let people know I…disagree? I mean, I could just literally forgo saying that. I wouldn’t think saying “I disagree” equates to a hostile dismissal of opinion.

I’ve never once said this, especially not for Discipline. See this link. Don’t put me in on the other extreme side just because I don’t agree with the overall drastic changes suggested on this forum. And yes, I do play Discipline, I’ve played Discipline all throughout Legion and switched back and forth frequently throughout BFA.

Not unreasonable. I think there’s an assumption, like most people on their main classes in their respective subforums, that every expansion outright requires major reworks for their specific class, regardless of whether or not its warranted.

I disagree. Damn it, I did it again.

No, because as I’ve stated multiple times before, there’s a dichotomy in the perception of what constitutes balance. This subforum purportedly determines balance by how viable a spec is at the bleeding-edge, 1% of content.

I don’t care about how a class performs in the top 1% of content. What’s viable at the top 1% doesn’t dictate viability for all of the content beneath it.

Classes are primarily balanced around what is most completeable by the playerbase as a whole. If you can’t agree with me on this, then we’re fundamentally at odds regardless.

If they weren’t, then you would be barred from your BiS or whatever gear you’re going for because your class is fundamentally unable to complete the content. That is a failure of class design, and that’s where I would suggest heavier balance changes.

For M+, Blizzard has drawn the proverbial line in the sand at +15. Can every healer do a +15? Yes. Do some healers have it easier than others? Yup. But I’m not competing against other healers. I’m competing against the content. And in M+'s case, content that doesn’t cap. And because it doesn’t cap, you are always going to have a class or classes that can’t complete the highest keys.

If bleeding-edge M+ content awarded gear or had any effect on literally any kind of power progression whatsoever, then I would be on board with you. But it doesn’t.