[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

I’d have to agree with Alleros, I did not want my choice of the OTHER specs’ abilities, I was hoping to get back the choices taken from my OWN class spec, because that’s what gave it that small bit of uniqueness and personalization. I’m really just hoping this is act I of a multi-part unpruning cause getting MM’s abilities as a BM, doesn’t feel like unpruning. Maybe include pet abilities in part II and possibly III as well? Cause a lot of our class identity was in pets and their abilities we could utilize while MM and SV couldn’t like spirit beasts.

It won’t. If its DPS sucks because 1handers don’t deal as much damage as a 2hander then people won’t be allowed to use it to DPS, sure you can roll around solo questing as it, but most won’t want a gimped dps because you want to pretend to be a prot warrior light. They’d at most be allowed to use a macro to weapon swap and cast the shield abilities and swap back to continue DPS.

I’d like to remind everyone that while passion is great, this is in alpha, and Blizzard has given us signs that feedback might actually matter for once. Make your voices heard, but don’t get overwhelmed with your own emotions and please don’t lash out at others, as I’m seeing in this chat.

The fact that SMF wasn’t announced for Fury doesn’t mean that Blizzard has become an evil corporation that doesn’t actually value player choice (there’s other off-topic reasons to give Blizzard crap), it doesn’t mean that they said that they won’t ever do it, and so on.

And just personally, I like Retribution. I like Holy Power. I like banking resources instead of cooldowns, and weaving CD management with resource management. But I haven’t played Paladin back when it was used for more than Retribution, so I don’t know yet. Please speak for yourselves with your opinions, not the entire player-base.

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Holy Power is bad enough for ret, it makes all abilities except TV feel pretty much useless and weak. But to return holy power to Holy paladins is almost incomprehensible. It was the worst system in the entire game for healing and I’m sure the statistics of people who quit playing holy paladin in Cata would support them if they exist (maybe the do? i dono). This change show how utterly out of touch the devs are but what else can you expect when most of them were still in middle school when cata was out

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I’ve never had an issue with holy power myself, and I’ve played Paladin since the start of Wrath. I feel like the complainers are those who just don’t like the concept of banking resources instead of managing cool downs. I was pretty sad when Holy lost its Holy Power, but it was ultimately the redesigned mastery and the emphasis on being a “melee healer” that caused me to eventually stop healing on my HPal.

If shaman get 2 handers again I will for sure play Shadowlands and play one. I’m intrigued by 2h bo staff monk, that could possibly bring me back for a bit.


Survival is going to be the weirdest spec in the game.

A melee spec that will have more range abilities than melee ones.

And this is coming from someone who is actually a fan of the spec.


Why must you torment me so? Paladin was finally playable again at least on 2 specs since you removed Holy Power from Holy and Prot. PLEASE do not return this abominable mechanic to all 3 specs. It needs to be removed COMPLETELY. Holy Power is literally the worst mechanic in the game and you know it.


Prot and Holy are already on a Holy Power system in Battle for Azeroth; it’s just charges of Shield of the Righteous / Holy Shock cooldowns instead. Holy Power is more intuitive in how you earned it (instead of needing things like Grand Crusader procs to “give charges” or whatever) and it feels cooler to spend Holy Power than charges of an ability. Plus having a Holy Power system allows Blizzard to actually put more damage back onto our spells instead of having to keep the damage low because we can spam things like Shield of the Righteous.


No. Just no. It does NOT feel cooler, it feels wonky at best. It is NOT intutiive. It leaves you constantly waiting for enough holy power to do -anything- useful. Its like taking a combo point system and adding restrictions. Prot actually is fun to play NOW. It was not with holy power. Ret has NOT been fun to play since Wrath.


Don’t forget about Survival Hunters, too. They used to DW before bows,guns,crossbows became their main weapon.


How are holy shock procs like holy power?

I agree. Please change the Arms mastery away from a bleed. It is not fun (in my opinion) to have 30-40% of your damage coming from a passive bleed. Shift that damage instead to active abilities so it actually feels like you hit something when you click a button. No more wet noodle execute.


I like Ret and Holy Power. The only thing that sucks that others have mentioned is that most classes, Ret included, feel like wet noodles outside of cooldown windows.


Honestly, that would be cool also. Rexxar dual wields, I think it would be cool.


My paladin sat at 80 until they removed Holy Power from prot, when I could finally level her. There is no redeeming factor for this mechanic.


Good, maybe you guys can flock to another class now instead of playing a braindead class…

Okay that was a little harsh…It’s just really repetitive and I don’t see how people play DH more than one season.

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I was one of those who was a holy paladin in Wrath who stopped healing on paladin with the Cata pre-patch. I stopped playing Kaeyoss entirely (I was mostly done with my work towards the Insane title on that character, although I still have to go back and finish it) until many years later.

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Enh Shamans aren’t getting 2h. WW and Brewmaster Monks are getting 2h or DW options. But yes Fury warrior should get DW, Enh shaman should get 2h option.

Also Survival hunter should get DW option.

If you haven’t played Ret pally lately, it’s actually quite fun right now. Maybe not for everyone, but I think it is in the top three most fun classes this xpac.


I seriously question the mental state of anyone who says that Ret is currently fun. By far the least fun spec in the game (I have everything at 120, with most of them having azerite and gear for all 3 specs at least at some point in the expansion)

On a 1-10 scale, Ret is currently somewhere in the negative 500s.