Shadowlands Class Update Feedback - Shadow Priest

New alpha patch in tomorrow i think, lets stay hopeful.

This new mastery sounds interesting. Our current one is just a worse version of versa.

Depending on how much mana, this would be a niche piece of utility that shadow brings.

I don’t really care with version of Shadow Word: Death is in game. The kind they’re planning on putting in for Shadowlands seems like it’ll be mostly used for PvP. However I’m sure most PvErs will vastly prefer your version.

YES PLEASE. They literally need to make Greater Fade baseline for all specs already. This would help priests so much in the mobility and survivability department.


AGREED. Make them slow as well.

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This is basically just adding the MoP mastery onto our current mastery.

There’s very little benefit to this. Only healers really care about mana efficiency and it’s rarely the main issue in a fight. I think giving VT baseline something more interesting as a raid buff that also helps the shadow priest would be better. Like old school misery.

Should just be 2 charges baseline.

I would greatly prefer this be a 12 sec cd without the charge system, have higher damage to compensate, only be useable on targets 20% or below, and generate insanity on hit, and more on kill. I definitely do not like the idea of just throwing another instant cast ability into the rotation you just use on CD. Especially not if it’s going to be dealing us damage back as a compensation. Just taxes healers for no reason.

I think Greater Fade is just overall better.

I really do think they will be removing/changing it because there’s just really no benefit to it right now and just causes way more issues.

This is awkward/yucky. I think VE at current is reasonably fine. What we need is better healing/self healing from other sources. Void Shield being a pvp talent is really kinda frustrating because it feels very good as just a baseline passive for Shadow.

what you’re suggesting is basically warlocks leech shield and sense you are strongly against any sort of homogenization why implement it when it’s identical to warlocks leech shield.


it costs resources and its a toggle. It is hybrid tax incarnate.

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oh crap. i was thinking the cata passive without the toggle.

I’m not asking for new implementation, I am asking for something that already exists for the class but is a pvp only talent. And I didn’t say that every single aspect of everything has to be entirely different at all times.

Caught red-handed.

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thank you. I was rolling my eyes when i read that especially when he was screaming about how homogenization ruined the game and we can’t have orbs because its to much like aff lock. but then asks for something that is iconic to warlocks (leech shield)

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Leech shield is neither iconic nor exclusive to locks, it’s been a thing for shadow too. If you’re going to be this disingenuous about your complaints don’t bother replying to me.

we only got Void shield in legion before that it was a voidlord (warlock pet) ability. also please tell me when did shadow have a leech shield?

Soul leech (which is the leech shield for warlocks) was there’s(Warlocks) since B.C with it becoming a shield in Mop. so yeah its Warlock’s and it’s iconic to them.

but again when did we have leech shield as shadow?

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Soul Leech was not a damage shield in TBC, it was healing from damage done. SHadow Priests from the start would heal based on damage dealt. So it’s not a stretch or leap to assume that if Warlocks self heal through damage became a leech shield, that the same would exist for Shadow Priests at some point.

Not an iconic part of the lock, and not something exclusive to them either.

I said with it becoming a shield in Mop

you said the leech shield was a thing for shadow not the self healing passive.

again you said that it had already existed which is not true so you back peddled and came up with this utter sh*t. You’re the one who explicitly said homogenization ruined the game and now you are back peddling and asking for another class ability. How about we just get our pasive healing back

and also…

next time you claim something fact check it please rather than doing mental gymnastics.

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I’m just going to ignore you because all you do is act hostile and rude. You make disingenuous claims and clearly have zero desire to converse. You’ve done nothing but attack me from post 1 in this thread because I don’t agree with you. Going as far as to demand I leave your thread just because I didn’t post reasons for hating Voidform and loving Orbs.

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all I did is quote you, hold you accountable to the statements and principles you claim, and fact check you.

but now that you got caught and called out on your nonsense you gonna play victim. typical.

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I want to weigh in on this too.

I agree with Amideus, This is awkward/yucky.

I think we should have a passive effect that is only active while in Shadow Form. Then has an active aspect that would enhance/empower it to be a party/raid CD.

Then as a bonus, have a talent that empowers the active part and extends the leech to your party/raid within 40 yards granting them a 15% self leech while giving you 3% leech back.
So if you are in a party of 5, you would gain 3% * 4 = 12% leech from your party DPS. With a raid, well you wont loose HP at all lol.

This can be good in PvP as well. You can pop it and get healing from your teams damage even if your stunned/silenced etc. So it is good in any group/party situation but not in solo. But it still works in Solo based on the passive/active portion. Just not the Talent portion.

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I agree with what you said i want the passive healing back so bad. but this

is way to good. 15% leech to raid is too much. I think it should be restricted to you.

Make it only last 10 sec.

Whatever the leech amount is compared to the length of time its active doesn’t matter. Just balance it out.

Personally I think it should last 5-15 sec. Then have the right leech% to balance with that duration.

With 3 min CD. Shoulden’t be that OP.

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just checked the new alpha patch and nothing…

I guess I better gear up my mage.