Shadowlands Class Update Feedback - Shadow Priest

Thanks for your responses. I will try to explain my logic.

Idea was to remove our current mastery and change it to the above. Not gonna lie, i totally forgot that is what the MoP mastery was lol.

I would say there is plenty benefit to it in both PVE and PVP settings. With the extra mana in mind, you could potentially (as a healer) squeeze in some more dps or dispels knowing you can afford to cast bigger heals to catch up if need be. But I’ve never healed any relevant content so i don’t have strong feelings one way or another. This was just a way to return some classic raid/dungeon utility, especially if mana will matter more in SL.

This was primarily to ensure that shadowy insight wouldn’t be the best talent in all situations. I feel like my redesign of the first row talents is effective, review it if you have a chance. You’d take shadow word:void or fortress for void form playstyle and insight for the non-void form talent surge of darkness.

It is supposed to be for execute only, or used if you realllly need to squish out every last drop of damage you can on a priority target.

It is overall better, it’s OP lol, and also PVP only. This provides some of the effect baseline for all priests, and i reintroduced a slightly modified spectral guise as a pvp talent.

Not sure how essentially toggling an aura on/off is awkward but that is ok! It is supposed to be powerful self-healing and group healing utility with a cost that is not another boring cool down. Keep it off the gcd and i think it’s great! VE currently is far too weak. I agree with what you say about void shield.

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I think a much more interesting way to add leech to spec like Shadow would be to either put it through a spell, like Devouring Plague, or through something like Mind Blast.

With Devouring Plague you’re combining your burst with your self-heal, so there are scenarios where you would want to float your Devouring Plague as long as possible to overlap an upcoming burst of damage: that’s an interesting optimization for the class to make.

Alternately if say, VT didn’t heal, and we didn’t have leech, or even PW: Shield - then you could do something like make Mind Blast heal you for 100% of the damage done.

This doesn’t have the interesting optimization that floating DP would have, but it would have the benefit of feeling a lot more tangible than either VT passive healing, or DP heal over time.

Suddenly you’d see a massive spike of healing, but it would come only after your cast. In PVP this gives some counterplay to our healing - which arguably we don’t need, we have enough counterplay as it is - but that just means they can add back some damage reduction to the spec (ex. boomkins have like 70% physical damage reduction, we have like 20%, even mages are like 50%).

Would feel kind of neat to critical Mind Blast for 70k and also get a 70k heal with it too.


i agree with everything you said except that I think a baseline %15 leech is actually not much. if you think of it we don’t really do much bursting and our only defense is PW:S which is honestly not much at all so having %10-%15 leech baseline would help with our survivability. obviously with the passive leech we would remove the heal form VT.

also of topic but how come no one is talking about the Fortitude nerf. it went from a %10 stam buff to %5. like what the hell just disable the spec for the expan while you at it.

EDIT: Please Keep this post going guys. Express your opinion be vocal that’s the only way Blizz would listen. we can’t give up.


Forums bugging out, or has no one posted in the Priest alpha thread for 9 days?

No real changes to test so far, but my goodness…

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After the first post hit 300 likes and said almost everything anyone else wanted to say Im not sure what else people can do. Not many people testing priest on alpha either.

Not like we have changes to provide feedback on, or blue responses to reply to. It’s mostly just all the things that were a problem in BFA alpha, remained a problem throughout BFA, and are still a problem now.


Everyone said what needed to be said regarding feedback. As you said there have been no changes or updates so I can see why there haven’t been any new posts. Radio silence gets met with radio silence :man_shrugging:


i strongly disagree. Testers need to post more even if its repetitive, whats the saying again…“the squeaky wheel gets the grease”

keep repeating the same thing over and over and over until someone responds otherwise they would ignore/forget us


There’s also just not that many people in the alpha atm but yea it’s rough for some classes for sure.

I enjoyed it from time to time. What I enjoyed even more though was that it was all entirely optional. When I wanted less skill intensity, I just did regular shadowpriest. And when I really didn’t care, I just did CoP sans dot weaving.

That’s what talent choices SHOULD be.


i think the fortitude nerf was applied to all buffs like it, Int and Str buff will give 5% too.

It’s now been 10 days since anyone has posted in the priest alpha forums. Is no one really testing this class on alpha? Or has everyone just given up?


from checking the streams no one is testing it. they keep saying the same thing. it’s horrible and every new weekly build has nothing for it so why try it.

they all say its horrible and don’t want to try it.


I think everyone is just frustrated. The first post in that thread has 300 likes. So many have been saying the same thing for years at this point.

I’m really tired of being ignored.


I was about to post this here. Lol

They’re going to need a giant bandaid for shadow. I don’t believe they’ll give us orbs and devo back, I’m sure they’ll use their well known solution to bad class design: add damage.


You’re right. We should always be persistent.

Preach Gaming has an interview with someone from Blizzard on Tuesday. Hopefully he asks a question or two about Shadow, since he says the interview will cover class design (and Preach has expressed his concerns about the spec before)


omg thank you so much for informing me I didn’t know. I have been trying so hard to keep up with all the streamers who have been in contact with Blizz as well as wowhead datamining but it can be overwhelming and I end up missing something important like that.

I would highly recommend to watch the stream and ask him to specifically talk about shadow priest. I understand that he won’t discuss specific classes and even if he does specifically ask about shadow the dev won’t give a direct clear answer but you never know the dev might slip something for us.

I honestly can’t wait.


And from all his other videos, his opinion is basically that Shadow is the worst it’s ever been and by far the worst feeling spec in the game, so I expect him to allocate a decent chunk of it to Shadow in particular.


I hope to god he does. I already have it on my schedule so definitely looking forward to it.


This interview could be the chance to finally get some dev communication with this spec, it’s been so long.


I’m not 100% sure the Lead Encounter Designer is the right person to be talking to about class design, but at least there’ll probably be a lot less hedging and sidestepping than if it was Ion.