Shadowlands: BiS Legendaries from once per month world bosses

Effectively, the way to get your legendary power that you want has been found on beta, and the location or drops have been posted by Blizzard.

For some specs, your bis legendary power comes off a world boss. It is currently not a 100% drop chance, and these world bosses have a monthly rotation. Meaning if you do not get it from RNG dropping, or bonus rolling it that one time, you have to wait an entirely additional month to try to rng it again.


alright that’s stupid enough to get mad about


Enjoy Shadowlands, son.™


Aren’t the raid ones 100% drop? I cant imagine the world boss ones wont be as well if that’s the case.

Just use a bonus roll lul

Its not confirmed yet, the dungeon ones are what we can go off of, and those are not 100% drop chance.

“we have heard your feedback on legion legendaries and agree that RNG legendaries are not fun. Because of this, we have decided to make the legendaries in SL RNG. thank you for your feedback”


“We heard you liked 1 month rotations, so heres an rng 1 month rotation”


Even from a PvE perspective, the only part of the game they care about, this is asinine. 1 month CD for any legendary or item is so stupid. Who even proposes this and then what idiot green lights it??


It’s still a dumb system whether it’s 100% drop rate or not

Out of town that week? Better not plan a vacation until you lock in your legendary

They learned nothing from the Unstable Arcanocrystal


Funny how blizz acknowledged relying on rng for legendaries doesn’t feel good and they do it anyway. They’re tanking on purpose


It’s ok enough ppl bought SL already they can ruin the expansion before it’s even dropped. Blizzard is really learning how to outplay us

But they make more in the long run with subs. Still doesn’t make sense to me :sob:

Nah they realized most of us will commit anyway even if xpac is dog, but they already 100-0’d our moral so we just accept the game being bad all xpac long. Ion‘s iq is truly something to be admired.

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Shut up and do 3s with my alliance SPriest.

My main is horde (idk why it hasn’t updated on forums yet)

Shut up and play 3s with my main.


This is the most retarded horse crap ever. Why on earth did they think this was a good idea? And on an eff’ing month long rotation!? Jesus christ, why don’t they just change the warcraft logo to that of a damn slot machine.

Me seeing which hunter class legendary I’ll be getting access to through PVP:



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