In regards to Affliction, i feel like blizzard can’t decide what kind of DPS they want us to be, It is torn between a single target burst spec and a cleave multi dot spec but falling short at both. At its core Affliction is a steady damage Rot/Cleave spec and i feel like the dev’s have lost sight of this.
Unstabel Affliction
Though i think the change from UA being our spender is a very good change, the choice to make it 1 target only seem very poor to me and it is all based around the Affliction Play-style being a constant pressure rot spec at its core.
Drainsoul vs Shadowbolt
The argument of Drainsoul vs Shadowbolt only came about after legion because the class has devolved from the maintenance spec if wants to be. Shadowbolt cannot fit into such a high APM class design were as a slower maintenance spec would suit it a lot better.
Malefic Rapture & Haunt
Malefic Rapture is a very good concept for a Soulshard spender but i feel like Affliction already had the making of the perfect spender in Haunt. i feel it would be awesome if the two spells were combined to be the spender spell. if haunt gave the same effect as Rapture but put the debuff on the primary target.
Dark Glare
The Popular opinion by most warlocks is that Dark Glare is a very lackluster cool down. I see the appeal of making our DPS cooldown a summoned demon from an aesthetics point of view but by the same argument we are not demonology warlocks our source of power is supposed to be derived from curses and spells we ourselves cast on our foes. If swapping Dark Glare and Dark Soul around is such a bad idea i think i would prefer having no baseline DPS cooldown and just tuning our damage up a bit to compensate.
Understanding that the numbers will constantly be changed through alpha and beta even past launch I dont want to focus on the numbers but more about the ease of balancing without devaluing the spec. The way that malefic Raputer works with soul shards is a slippery slope not because of the ability itself but more on the way soul shards are generated. It can very easily lead to alot of feast or famine scenarios in fights with a warlock doing ridiculous damage because he gets alot of shard procs on doing no damage because he gets only afew.
so much value being placed on soul shards in affliction does not seem like a positive to me, it should be used as something to get the spec more flavour and diversity not be its core mechanic, it may work very well for Destruction (which is a bursty builder spender spec) that does not mean it is right for Affliction (which is a slower, more methodical spec).
Conclusion TL;DR
Cataclysm for me was maybe the best iteration of Affliction that the developers have made, it was the true class fantasy. Yes those were different times but learning from the past isn’t always learning from mistakes we can also learn from the good choices we make.
throughout Wow warlock has always been played by a certain type of person because of its playstyle and the way that it drifts from its class identity into a shadow of what it could be alot of people are losing the spec we love and the challenges we were face with that not many other people even new existed in the class.
- The return of some of the warlock cursed was a welcome change
- Nobody likes Dark Glare
- Unstable Affliction should be multi target
- Malefic Rapture might be to unstable with RNG
- To much APM in the spec for shadowbolt
- Take notes from the Cataclysm playstyle