Shadowlands artifact transmog clarification

I’m curious if this will still only apply to the appropriate spec like it does currently, or if you will be able to use the Artifact Pair tab to access other spec’s appearances.

No, you can transmog artifacts regardless of what your spec is. The spec lock will be gone now. For example, Ashbringer will show up in the 2 hand swords slot instead of the special artifact slot.

It would be fantastic if that turns out to be the case, but the wording of the previous paragraphs makes it sound like the cross-spec availability will be limited to those appearances showing up in their corresponding weapon proficiency category, rather than in the Artifact Pair tab.

That’s just why I’m asking for it to be clarified. Guess I’ll have to wait a bit until the beta is back up and people can test it out.

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the wording for the quote you posted is just saying you can go to the artifact tab and mog the way we do now but it will be paired to how it is now

Since so many customization options are coming in pre-patch, do we know if this change is?

I’d assume so. Most system changes like this go live with the pre-patch. But waiting a month or so between then and the expansion launch isn’t a big deal either, imo.

Nah, it’s not. Just planning out when I want to slog my way through A Balance of Power lol :slight_smile:

lol, you should do it now. Reports are, soloing old content is a bit iffy currently on the PTR, since the legacy content damage buffs for players aren’t in place yet.

If you have it, you can use it so long as they are compatible i.e. ele shamans can make their main hand doomhammer as an example. Although I want some clarification for artifacts such as the holy artifact where they use sword and board but that artifact was a 2h

That’s what I’m asking. I understand a ret paladin can use the holy artifact with their 2hander. But I’m not clear on whether or not a holy paladin who has a sword/shield eqipped will be able to use the Artifact Pair tab to access the ret appearances.

I see what you’re saying but that’s not quite what I’m getting at, the point I’m trying to make is it’s weird for a spec like holy specifically where their weapon type was changed completely for only Legion and same deal for Druids although that was mostly solved already. I’d assume they’d be able to still use it but the wording needs to be more specific/clarified

Edit: to answer what you said, no I don’t believe Holy will be able to use Ret appearances although they should Prot as sword and shield = sword and shield but sword and shield /= 2h sword

Ah, well the paragraph I quoted says that it will continue to work as it does now for those situations.

I’m just curious about the cross-spec access.

Reading over the entire post it boils down to this:

  1. You may transmog any artifact skin for your class to the appropriate weapon type regardless of spec. (Holy Paladin wielding a two-handed weapon can transmog it to Ashbringer if they wish.)

  2. You may transmog your spec specific artifact pair over any weapon combination (ranged/melee restriction still applies), but ONLY for the spec the artifact was for. (Holy Paladin wielding sword and shield may NOT transmog to Ashbringer)

  3. You may transmog mainhand & offhand artifact skins separately so long as the appropriate weapon type is equipped in the desired hand. (A Shaman can choose to have Doomhammer as an offhand or even dual wield Doomhammers)

It may not give us all the functionality we want from artifact transmogs, but it is atleast an improvement… now I just hope they don’t skimp on weapon distribution and we actually get a reliable amount of caster two-handed weapons so that Holy Paladins can actually transmog to Ashbringer…

I’m confused as to whether you could transmog your main hand with an off hand appearance in addition to your offhand?

Cause seriously some of the off hand appearances for enhancement were really really cool.

(Lightning axe, mage tower spike appearance)

It was stated in the blue post, that yes, you can do just that… if you want to dual wield lightning axes you can. Shaman get not only the different Doomhammer skins from the Enhancement artifact, but also all of the Gift of the Stonemother skins as well.

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