As worthless as Archaeology was in BfA, it’s like they’ve already gotten rid of it. I was mildly looking forward to doing it when I got flying, looked at the “rewards”, and decided it wasn’t worth my time.
at this point they need to re design the entire archaeology profession…
it’s awkward and so outdated, the grind is ridiculously high specially for all of azeroth rares, why not allow a MoP system with the lorewalkers so you can trade fragments for certain thing to chase? (aka mounts)
Wrong I was a history major in college. But how WoW handles archaeology is boring.
Well that is very stupid. Let me guess this is the start of cuts to content because they can’t meet their deadline.

We don’t even need any cool Bind On Account rare solves (unless you want to) or toys or anything! Maybe periodically have the solve grant you anima toward your covenant or something instead so its less work
If I do archaelogy I want the rewards so no on this.
And as to their reasoning, even the future people have a past.
I think the lore reason is that everything in the shadowlands get recycled. In the living world, an old fossil can exist but in the shadowlands, you need anima to even have the old fossil and everything there eats anima for ever meal.
I spent countless hours with Arch in Cata and MoP because the rewards were interresting and unique. But slowly they became less impressive and its just a feature I mostly ignore but the time spent just isn’t worth it or even remotely fun. I think BfA missed a massive opportunity by not giving you arch fragments from running IE
Overall I think Archaeology should be replaced by a more general “Lore” profession. Free it up from playing some cumbersome mini-game and add lore fragments and treasures scatter around that go hand and hand with exploring. Add tomes and books to dungeons and raids that you can collect and bring back to your faction’s library that unlock new story quests and cutscenes similar to how it was in MoP with the Lorewalkers. Also you would slowly build up the look of the library by putting artifacts and relics on display.
This is good. Pretty much anything is better than what we have now. They let you learn every level of archaeology only to limit your ability to use most of the cool stuff until you grind it to 600. Why?
You can even grab the archaeology daily in Pandaria from 1 yet you can never complete it because you can’t see digsites there until you grind to a certain level.

they forgot about draenor
I was wondering what they would do here…while I haven’t had the will to do archeology past Legion, I’m a little disappointed it isn’t getting an overhaul in SL. It is way way way WAY past the point of needing an overhaul.
But does digging in the ground of HEAVEN for broken pots make a lot of sense? Hmmm…it does actually sound more interesting if we got to learn about the “first ones” and the history of these zones.
Why did they even introduce it
I liked the initial introduction of Archaelogy but once it just condensed the item into a box it lost its appeal (to me).
I really wish they would have made Arch related to those “first ones” that the Jailer talks about in Alpha.
That would have been a cool little way to give us some lore.
Note to self: Put 3 alarms into the calendar for that ghost reindeer reminder before it’s too late and archaeology goes away.
Wonder if this means they’ll be getting rid of it completely down the line. Looks like I need to start spamming it to get the mounts I don’t have…ugh…
Archaeology could have been the PERFECT way to re-introduce old vanilla mogs and cosmetic items. But sadly they did not insert that route into the system. It takes way too long to get to the item pieces most times. If they inserted mogs and made the pieces faster to find I think it would catch on more.
Adjust it before you dump it blizz.
I like this idea. Or once a new expansion launches, certain boss unique gear (if it makes sense) is able to be discovered. For example WoD Archimonde’s gloves, since he only dropped shoulders, belt, and helm.
huh…i never considered that…that is a good set of ideas
Imagine a place that has existed since the dawn of time and Blizzard trying to say there is no tangible historical items there to uncover.
yes, dig so far tht we fall into the maw and dig so far in the maw that we fall into diablo’s hell
If it had been an actual puzzle solving game, I would miss it. But as it is all the effort goes into finding things, and really all that is for setting you up to fight something. Then you push a button and all the potentially fun stuff is done for you. Visually it’s very dull.
It’s a lame system, with few decent rewards. I won’t miss it.