Since release of The War Within, when players select the skip option for the introduction to Shadowlands, they are phased to an empty Oribos.
There are no questlines nor option to choose factions.
I can assure you that there are hundreds of players who would really like to see this fixed ASAP.
Many thanks
Experiencing this issue too, it’s a known issue since 2021; actually very upset this was not patched.
Same it happened to me too, jeez what a game breaking bug.
Yea, shadowlands is pretty cooked for alts right now.
I intentionally took a character through the maw and DID NOT SKIP to see if that would work. When you escape the maw and get put into Oribos, the quest givers are there but will still not give any quests. It is broken for every new shadowlands player no matter what they do.
Where is my shadowlands refund?
I cant even run any of the raids on my geared characters because they were from remix =/.
The Wormhole Generator Shadowlands works to get to the zones to do the revendreth raid but i dont think it works for the other two raids I have a CD so i cant check.
I think they took out the threads of fate skip but left the ability to skip so our toons are useless now and can’t start shadowlands at all!
I am in that situation myself. This has been ongoing for so long and still no fix, even though it is a GAME BREAKING BUG, LITERALLY!!! WOW speechless at this point.
I thought this was supposed to be fixed with 11.0.7, however post updated shadowlands is still bugged for me.
I stand corrected. This is now fixed for me. I had to talk to Highlord darion Mograine in Orgrimmar to start The Maw cinematic again. Shadowlands is now available to me!
Well I wanted to find the main thread to report that this is resolved for my 70 warrior.
Having Skipped the maw ( cause he was an alt) , I Immediately got the " Stranger in a strange land" quest for the guard to take me to Tal’inara .
Tal’inara then offered me a " skip all world content’ sentence, that unlocked all flight paths in shadowlands. Then he offered the quest to pick a covenant and " skip to Zerith mortis"
I then picked Kyrian covenant and did the intro quest chain for it till it sent me back to Oribos to talk to Highlord Fordragon .
Fordragon gave me the ‘skip Torgast intro " option
Then he sent me to Polmarc Adestes who showed me a cinematic that enabled me to talk to Tal’inara to " Skip to Korthia’
I was then able to ride my mount in the maw.
Then I went to the vendor by the flightmaster and bought the 60 renown skip ( because I already have the transmog, dont do it if you want the mog).
Unlocked all Shadowlands zones and flight paths in like 30 minutes play.
Issue is resolved!