Shadowfury missing from spellbook

My level 35 warlock (Demonology spec) does not have Shadowfury listed in any of her 5 spellbook pages* yet will be able to pick a talent at 40 that enhances it. Even if the spell isn’t learned yet, it should show up in grey but its just not there.

*I got asked twice in game chat if I checked the general Class tab that isn’t limited to specs; yes I did. I even checked the General tab with all the racials and such.


Just posting so this gets more visibility. Noticed the same thing while flying, its just not there at all.
The talent for this spell is in the level 40 row so I figured as a level 31 warlock I had to be close to getting it soon but according to the spellbook “Shadowfury” doesn’t even exist. Maybe it’ll just appear in my bars as I level but it should still be fixed.

According to Wowhead, Shadowfury is learned at level 38.

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Update: My level 38 Warlock does have Shadowfury. I forgot to check for it when I gained that level, but she has it.

My level 27 warlock does not have it even as grey in the spellbook.

So it appears the spell is learned, it just doesn’t show up greyed out until then.

It shows up. There are now two separate sections for spells and abilities in the Spellbook. The first at the top is the “general” set of abilities that are shared across all of the specs for a given class. For Priests it’s labeled, ironically enough “Priest”, and for Warlocks it’d be “Warlock”. There are other sections that contain the spec-specific spells and abilities, each labeled with the name of the respective specialization.

On my priest that means I have “Priest” and three other subsections labeled Discipline, Shadow, and Holy, giving me a total of five sections in the spellbook (General being the fifth section that all characters share).

Spells and abilities that have yet to be earned via leveling up appear in either the class-named section or one of the three spec-named sections. And yes, it’s annoying it’s done like that. It took me a while to get used to it and remember to check both my Priest and Discipline sections as I leveled up to see what I just earned and/or what is coming up next.

No it does not. Not until it is learned. Not even greyed out.

Multiple people have reported this now. We have checked all spellbook tabs.

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Can confirm. Doesn’t show up in general or spec specific tabs. Just spent ~20 minutes thinking I was blind and just not seeing it somewhere.

I just noticed this, as well. My level 50 warlocks have the ability, but my level 30 doesn’t have the spell and it doesn’t show up in any of the spell tabs as one that will be learned in the future. Thanks for the info above about what level to expect it.

Just spent some time looking for this myself. I’m glad it was figured out. I stood around looking through my spell book for a good 30 minutes thinking i was crazy.

Just to adding this is still an issue. Shadowfury doesn’t show up under the General Warlock spells until the ability is learned at level 38. So the level 40 talent row appears confusing as Darkfury says it changes Shadowfury by reducing cooldown by 15 seconds and increasing duration by 2 seconds.


Still an issue.