
That or just 5 ravens all the time in our shadow form. I would be happy with either for sure.


Hmmmm, you are right, maximum ravens all the time is better than some ravens sometimes! :slight_smile:


I can’t stand the gas around the current shadowform. Blizzard is doing a great job with the changes to shadow priest, but I feel that gasform has to go! Thank you blizzard and I hope you consider this. Classic shadowform was simple but had a great look! :smile:


I would love to have the old Shadowform back. And ravens too. And a glyph or maybe baseline shadowy PW: Shield too.


I’d be really happy if I could just appear normal or have Shadow Ravens flying around Lacryma when she’s in Shadowform. Since the character has been studying the Arakkoa since BC, I expect her magic in Light and Shadow (and why she’s not a Void Elf), stems from the fact that her training is probably a lot more like the Talon Priests, and a lot less like Alleria’s magic.

Not fond of the current Shadowform really to be honest. I mean I appreciate the effort they went through especially when I consider how hard I fought for updates to Shadow’s visuals in WoD, but it just doesn’t look good to me; especially when I’m flying and wisps make the screen flash.

…That tends to really hurt my eyes. :frowning:


Arakkoa Priests all the way compared to the Void themed cultists imo.
Always loved those guys.


Yes please! It doesn’t even have to be a glyph, druids can choose their forms in the barbershop now!


Classic shadow form pls


Especially one that still exists in the game. I was killing some Shadow Priest ogres in Zangarmarsh on an alt and they still have it.


Shadowfiend still has the old Shadowform too.


THIS please!

We need shadowform customization! :smiley:
I agree about not liking the current SF


Shadowform/Moonkin are the absolute worst looking specs in the game. At least with Moonkin you can use an illusion toy to look like something else. Shadow gets stuck still covered in purple farts.

What they need is a glyph that just straight up hides the ugly purple for the people who actually want to see their TMOG.

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It’s this kind of mentality in the first place that got Blizzard to destroy Shadowform. You’re choosing to play a shadow…that’s just part of the choice. Still, as an option…whatever. Maybe being able to completely remove it would be bad because it serves as an identifier to other players of your spec.

But I just want the option to look like Shadowform used to look. That’s literally the reason I first made a priest back in Vanilla. It was just so cool looking. You actually used to look like a shadow, not a walking eggplant. So please Blizz, you’ve just done a great gameplay change for shadow priests, how about an aesthetic one too?


The Thaumaturgists Orb is a toy that can give you ravens every 10 minutes for 5 minutes. It’s not perfect, but it’s there.

I’d personally rather have a glyphs that procced ravens/orbs for a few seconds every time you cast mind blast or something, or maybe just a random chance to proc per any time you deal shadow damage like it was in cata.

And also yeah the dark archangel wings glyph, but like…upgraded to look nicer.

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I want a glyph to go back to old Shadowform.

Should be such an easy fix. I don’t get why they release like 1 glyph every 2 expansions. In terms of effort, glyphs cost like zero development effort - and produce outsize joy for players.

If Blizzard was doing any kind of prioritization of their efforts, they would be making like 100+ glyphs to give every class all the great glyph ideas they never make.


Google image search for Malthael. There are a ton of really cool shots of Wing that look amazing. Would love to have that “Spectral Bone” wing look.

Maybe if/when we get wings back, maybe we can glyph different wing styles/looks.

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I really think they should just put all of the shadow form variants that have been in the game in the barber shop. Including the weird npc ones we’ve seen but not actually had. Like the scarlet onslaught priests