Since the latest Blizzard download my Shadow Priest is unable to switch off Shadowform.
Random thought, have you tried switching specs to see if it fixes it?
The only way is to left-click on the buff icon in the top right.
Why Shadowform is still a thing and not an optional cosmetic spell is beyond me. It made sense when shadowform prevented you from casting healing spells, but now it’s just a relic of and outdated class design along with our 2 DoTs that should just be one spell now.
thanks that worked.
It works. But it’s still an issue.
You can right click it off on your buff bar, but for whatever reason hitting the Shadowform ability no longer toggles it off.
They could make it cosmetic, and on top of that add customizability to it in the Barbershop.
Besides the two we have now, I’d love the one we had in Vanilla, simple shadow, no extra fancy particles. Then they could add a new one that is void-based, similar to the Void Form. Then one with just shadow particle effects around your character, so you could have one option to see your gear more clearly.
Shadowform is a buff like Druid forms. Agreed it’s a bit outdated in todays game. Like there is no point in not being in it