Shadowflame Wreathe Enchant PvP Balance

It seems wild to me that this DoT when applied to classes that can put this enchant on 2 weapons can become their top 5 damage, which can actually result in more damage than classes that have to hard cast spells. BFA Gushing Corruption 2.0

Hmm. I’m not super sold on this enchant outside of maybe a few dw specs? Sophic devotion is 25% stronger due to the trinket bonus, and doesn’t show up on details, and specs like Havoc have 37 damage sources which makes it look really strong.


i assume we are mainly talking about DH/Sin rogue, ye? cuz iirc it’s not very good as sub compared to sophic

the only reason it’s so strong on those two specs is because they are volume/dot specs

the negative component of the enchant is kinda nonexistent on those specs too because they have enough leech to negate it

It is infact strong only on specific specs, but why should it be doing top 4 damage for any spec for just an enchant? Some specs also run double embelish ment for shadowflame, which ocombined can do over a million damage every game from just a DoT outside their class abilitys.

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Because the spec has a lot of damage sources.


not really how that works exactly, id argue casters have far more damage sources and frequency but this enchant will not be anywhere near their top 4 ever. Reguardless this shouldnt be a factor in arena period. Casters get nerfed all the time for doing too much instant damage without the need to cast. This DoT does more damage than dreadstalkers do at the end of a decent amount of my games when im aplying with a dh.

i feel like without this, assa would be trash. its honestly my saving grace most times i que rated.

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maybe dot specs but mage/shaman/destro would hate this enchant and enchants like it

i also don’t think a caster dot spec will ever do more frequent damage than a DH/Sin type melee

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Demo is capable of far more consistency but almost nothing procs it.

It is, though. Whether or not it does too much damage is another matter. Again, x2 Sophic Devotion adds a lot of damage when it’s active and doesn’t show up on Details.

i should have mentioned demo, but do we really want pet specs to proc enchants like this through their pets?

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Demo* and bm don’t proc it from things that come from pets. It’s not about number of buttons/abilities pressed. If something’s damage comes from 25 different sources and the top ten are all like 10% - 5%, it’s really not a big deal for something like an enchant to show up that high. 6% damage is 6% damage and it doesn’t matter if the remaining 94% shows up as 5 or 100 different things. It’s the same amount of damage.

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Yeah. I imagine it’s going to show up super high for Havoc and Assassination but I’m not sure about what else. It seems troll on Windwalker and FDK. Fury I’m not sure. Sophic obviously better for Subtlety. Outlaw lmao.

Survival hunter is usually like 20 things on details. If it does 6% of my damage, that’s probably somewhere between 4 and 8 depending on how long the match lasts.

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That’s decent. I had it do super underwhelming damage on 2h specs so I lobbed it.

Feels decent on Brewmaster.

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Don’t you be looking at me like that, Paulie.

Sophic is way better for sv, I was not saying that it’s the move. Just that something doing 6% of my damage would be approximately there in the list on details. All of your other stuff is probably doing a lot more than 6% extra damage with sophic.

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Its honestly hit or miss. Sophic is probably better, but too lazy to re enchant.

I just switched to shadowflame enchants on my weapons as outlaw and it definitely seems to help. And we need all the help we can get lol.