Shadow/Disc Priest LF Cata Raiding Guild

5.7k Shadow / 5.5k Discipline Priest
Also have a 5.5k blood / 5k Unholy DK alt
I have been out of the raiding scene for a bit now only doing pugs when i have time but im Looking to get back into hardcore raiding. Progressing on bosses is always fun challenging and rewarding for me. Give brain lota of good good chemical :slight_smile:
Im currently 2/10H 10m and 4/12H 25m. Looking to finish out raiding through prepatch as well
Im looking preferably for a weekend guild (friday,saturday,sunday) and anytime works for me those days. But if needed can raid until 10pm EST on week days.

I raided all through Cata back in retail as a holy pally and then an affliction warlock. I did several heroics throughout each raid tier as well.
You can reply here or add me and message me on bnet - Chibitsu #1276