Shadowclaw in darkshore very rare?

I have been trying to help someone get Shadowclaw in darkshore but we can’t seem to find it. We have tried for hours in the area it’s supposed to spawn and path but no luck. Has anyone been able to acquire this pet as a hunter? Wondering if it’s just a really really rare spawn. We’ve camped the area but still no luck.

Is this new for SoD?

It’s been around since classic

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the regular nightsabers on Teldrassil are better

Looking at Wowhead, it looks like it’s just a regular Nightsabre pet, but also that it’s at coords: 40,40.

I think shadowclaw has stealth? as a skill?

You can’t get a stealth pet until like the 30s.

shadowclaw patrols around IN STEALTH. You may have to get pretty close to see him pop up even if you’re lvl 25

I just got it today :slight_smile: had my hunter hang out in that area and would log on and check periodically. Logged on at the right time!
It does not know stealth, but its attack speed is slightly different than my other nighstaber. Previous nightsaber attack speed was 1.30, shadowclaw’s is 1.50. I haven’t seen other differences yet simply due to the level difference between my previous nightsaber (level 25) and shadowclaw (level 13)