Which of these two do you think would be better for movement since currently in the alpha they are both in the 2nd tier both offer movement and both are quick to refresh, shadowburn due to its execute and rift due to its incerate talent (nyi)
Dimensional Rift is better for movement as long as you aren’t at 5 soul shards.
1 - Shadowburn is a terrible Soulshard Spender, much much weaker than Chaos Bolt (much more than the difference between 1 Soul Shard and 2 Soul Shards) so every time you spend Soulshard on Shadowburn and not Chaos Bolt you lose % damage done in the fight.
1.1 Yes, Conflagration of Chaos Shadowburn is stronger but on average 1 every 2 Shadowburns will be that and this means on average CB Wins the Damage per Soul Shard game.
2 - Dimensional Rift actually have more Spellpower % in any of its 3 different portals than Shadowburn.
3 - Dimensional Rift on TWW is not tied with Chaos Incarnate (Who now sucks too) meaning you aren’t losing a better talent if you pick it.
Is Shadowburn always bad? no.
TWW introduces some potential for it with Blistering Atrophy making it a guranteed crit in execute, but thats only when the fight is in the execute range (20% hp or less).
Shadowburns are also very much worth it if you kill target within 5seconds and refund the soulshard.
If you have Insane Luck with RNG, you might win the lottery with Conflagration of Chaos and trigger 2 Conflagration of Chaos Shadowburn for every 1 non Conflagration of Chaos Shadowburn. 1
Is Shadowburn going to be picked for TWW? depend on tunning and talents.