Shadow Word Death

When using shadow word death no matter if i kill the mob or not i take the damage from the spell. i have even suffered damage from critters and killing blows on mobs. please look into fixing this


Having the same issue, has gotten me killed a couple times. Please fix this.

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Shadow Word: Death is inconsistently applying backlash damage on killing blows. It’s also applying it when the spell is cast on an already dead target - i.e. cast Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death immediately as the Mind Blast cast finishes, and though Mind Blast will get the killing blow and SW:D won’t do any damage or show up in the combat log, SW:D backlash damage is still applied.

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I came here to report the same issue. I have combat log screenshots as well. I did want to include some context-specific information though. I’m in Zangarmarsh and used it on a “Tamed Sporebat” (an NPC’s pet). Not that it should matter, but perhaps the behavior is different for different mob types. I’ve also noticed this behavior on critters as noted above.

It seems to me that any mob that doesn’t give experience will still backlash on the killing blow. I’ve seen it on critters, low level mobs, and some quest creatures.

Also have the same issue on anything i last hit with it, im still taking damage.

have the same issue

Shadow Word: Death hits Razorfen Quilguard for 818 Shadow.(298 Overkill)
suffers 1116 Shadow damage from Shadow Word: Death.

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Do you know if PVP is affected?

I’m having the same issue, the marsh dredger was at 20% HP, I used Shadow Word: Death with no dots or other sources of damage hitting the mob. The mob dies and I still get the backlash damage.

Anyone know if Blizz is fixing this? I mean I know they are a small indie company so we have to cut them some slack but it should be fixed “soon” right?

Still happening as of today, July 25th. Killed a mob with SW: Death, took the damage anyway.

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Pre patch for phase 2 still hurts you if you use SW:D on a mob that is low level

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still no fix as of 10/12 SW:D still causing damage for low level / grey mobs

still no update for this issue

i used to have that a lot as well, it seems like it is coming back every now and then