Shadow Tier Set - PvP

Got the 2-piece and found out it deals about as much damage as the enchant on my weapon or 1 elemental focusing lens in PvP. Very disappointing and not rewarding at all. At least S1 the effect was useful.


Yeah, I’m seeing about 2% of my dps total being void bolt in a matchup. Not game breaking, but the head has haste/vers anyways, so I do think the 2% is warranted over a single piece of optimized gear in the shoulder.

TBD if I go 4 set for the mini PI on goes. You have to give up a lot of optimal stats for it.

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Doesn’t seem to be worth it, even wizk said on stream he doubt to play 4set cause of stats issue but if 2 set is meh, better keep bis stats so you know you get value from it.

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Yeah, below 2% of my dps as well. This 2 sec is terrible. Gain more from the vers on my shoulders than 2pc helm/shoulders. WTB conversion from Tier to Conqeust PVP piece.

Yeah it’s basically unnoticeable which is boring. The 4pc actually looks interesting and fun, but I’m not sure it’s worth it. It should basically be a free mind blast and I don’t think it is.

Imagine using Dark Ascend, shooting off a bolt, then a buffed PI void torrent.

Imagine having reforging back, though.


No reason not to play 2p.
Head is best stats and mastery is also good for us. We’re easily hitting 30% versa right now so losing 1 stat worth of versa for a tad mastery + 2pc is fine.

Also unsure but Void Bolt normally Extends DoT duration, which id imagine the tier Version proc also extends.