Shadow the hedgehog voice actor

It has been revealed that Kanu reeves will be voicing Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic movie 3. What is your reaction?


Everything by Keanu Reeves IS GOLD , except the last one from The Matrix that was ruined by the Wachowski.

Because it was cringe and not because of any derailment of Lore for as the Architect states the one is the introduction of the Integral Anomaly therefore it is natural for the Anomaly to spread to Trinity just as it spread to Smith.

The Integral Anomaly is a dangerous corruption of the Matrix threatening it with crashing provided the One(the start of the Anomaly in each instance of the Matrix) doesn’t reboot the Matrix regularly after handing himself over the source for analysis.

Of course the Analyst in charge of analyzing the One decided he could exploit the One’s love for Trinity to gain more energy for the Machines upon which the Machines started a civil war which let to the Analyst being put in charge of the Matrix over the Architect and Oracle(the latter of which was purged from the system).

Of course while the Lore is sound doesn’t mean it is Movie-Material. Bleh!